Tuesday: Prince Aloysius

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It's a bit weird seeing Al in my drawing room, alone without his noisy siblings. It's our habit to spend Tuesdays in Al's palace, but Uncle Isaac won't let me leave for the time being. It's a nice change, if you ask me. Though Al's mind a bit preoccupied to care.

"Must be an insider. How else could the chandelier fall at such a convenient time like that?!" He whispers from his teeth, eyes cautiously scan the room for eavesdroppers.

"Al, calm down. The investigation's underway."

"Promise you'll update me? Funny story, though. I did some digging and here's what I found: three years ago, the morning of your debutante ball, your horse was being drugged. Sure, it's only laxative, but Summer was being aggressive and harmed you nonetheless, right?"

"Well don't keep me in suspense. Who did it? And how did you know?"

"Well, it's not so much digging as listening in I guess. Your maids sure tittle-tattle a lot."

"Huh." I mean, it might as well be anyone at all. Our palace's packed as lots of royals came the day before the debutante ball. And, just ... it would not be the first time I received death threat; obviously not the last one either.

Al steals a glance at me. "You don't look so troubled."

"I am, I just ... try not to dwell in it."

It's a long minute before Al breaks the silence. "I'm so ashamed of myself, Jenny ...." Al sighs, his voice full of regret. "I was well far from the dais that night, but even so, I wonder if I have it in me to save you like Nap did, if I did have the chance."

I smile, gently place my hand in his. "Thank you for being honest with me, Al. And how could I possibly ask you that much? When I also refused to renounce my title for you."

"And I, you. But still. If it ever comes down to Nap or your kingdom, what will you choose?"

I couldn't care less.

I remember how Raul's words stung me that night. Then I remember him saving me. I just don't understand ....

"Are you absolutely positive he doesn't want ... this?" I gesture to the palace we're in.

Al shrugs. "To be honest, I don't talk to him that much. But Vince said he's just obtained his medical degree, and is to serve as an army doctor in Vince's medical centre starting next year. I'd say he's set."

A Magnemt's army doctor? How typical of him, huh .... So that's why he recognized my medical books right away. And the way he examined my leg wound .... I feel a pang in my chest that is clearly not jealousy.

"Okay, that's enough Nap for a Tuesday. Tell me, who do you think is the murderer? Any suspects yet? Right after that bastard child made an appearance, too. Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence?"

"Have you met him?"

"Who, the bastard child? It pains me to say this, but I think Primavara is wasted on him. Hmph, but it could be the only way for us to be together, so let's leave it at that."

"He has a name, Al. And what didn't you tell me?"

"Bastard, Brandon, same difference. And, uh ... Cass said ...." He looks hesitant.

"Cass said ...?"

Al suddenly stops to study me. "First tell me something, Jenny. If it's within your capability, do you want to fight your case?"

"Perhaps. I'd best see further how Brandon fares before making any decision."

Al shrugs. "Well, for what it's worth. Technically, your dad's older than your uncle. When he died, you were made first in line, but since you're still a kid, your uncle stepped up to serve as a regent just until you're of legal age. The council made him king, but .... See, it isn't impossible to win your birthright, Jenny. Especially if you fight against an illegitimate child, two years shy of eighteen years old."

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