Wednesday: Crown Prince Kevyn

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"I wouldn't open up my Thursdays for him if I were you."

I put down my soup spoon and wipe my mouth. Wow, words sure travel fast around here. "Well, you're not me. And, let's be honest, what changed? You're usually pretty chill about me seeing other guys on other days."

Kevyn fixes me a disapproving look. "He's a Hamthor, honey. It's bad enough that you date Prince Aloysius. But another Hamthor, not to mention an eleventh-in-line? Think about your publicity. And, let's be honest: you're wasting your time dating someone your uncle won't approve of."

I shrug. Can't really blame him, though it came off a bit heartless. After all, it's always been politics and politics only between us. He knows it and so do I. We're each other's best match if we only have our kingdoms at our best interest. "Less competition for you I suppose?"

"Eat your soup, honey. And I don't mind some competitions. It excites me."

Because as sole heir to the throne, you're all too familiar with having things your way. I should know so since I am one myself. Doesn't mean you have to be a prick about it.

Oh, what do I know? The ones with the right titles are always come with the wrong attitudes. This world is truly messed up from up here.

"We matched in Heaven."

Kevyn frowns. "Well, for one, try changing your profile. And between you and me, don't ask Princess Anne for advice. She matches with a nobody for heaven's sake! Not even an earldom with him. Pah, I bet he's poorer than most servants here. Ever wonder how he got himself a Heaven profile in the first place?" Must. Maintain. My diplomatic smile. "But you, you have your whole publicity team to work the wonder. Just say the word, honey. I know my fellow crown princes would be delighted to date you."

I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted. Or impressed, even?

"Oh, the way you handled the riot in Elska is outstanding, by the way. Gaining their respects with your uncle's moving backstory .... My mother won't stop praising you. I personally think I couldn't possibly better you given the exact circumstance."

I smile politely. "Such flattery. You guys think too highly of me. I just happen to learn from the best." I stop for a second before continuing. "Hey, Kev?"


"Do you ever for a second doubt me? That I may not be strong enough to rule Primavara?"

Kevyn looks at me, his expression softens. "I never for a second doubt you'd be a great queen, Jenny. You put your subjects before anything else. You've got a big heart in you. It's a quality so rarely found in royalties. You just need someone beside you to be the tough one, since you're too soft for this cruel world."

I know he doesn't care about me personally, but I hate how he always said the right thing. Especially hate how he always managed to live up to what's expected of Wondera's next great ruler. And the irony of it all is if what he said is true, I would pick him in a heartbeat. But ... my heart isn't that big after all, huh?

"Do you ever doubt me choosing you?"

"It might not make a lot of sense right now, but I never doubt you will come back to me eventually. At that time, I promise you, it will all make sense. At that time, I'll know you're ready to rule both Wondera and Primavara, and you can count on me to always be by your side every step of the way." He takes my hand and kisses it lightly. "Always, Jenny."


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