Friday: Sir Timothy McKeagan

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I choose Timmy to be my Fridays for one reason, and one reason only. I take my horse riding lesson on Friday and he is by far the company I enjoy the most. Yes, me fell off Summer that one time was unfortunate, but I love riding so much one accident isn't enough to make me avoid the stable. Having Timmy around gives me a sense of safety, too, since he was the one who successfully tamed Summer back then. I mean, Timmy's sweet and I'm truly grateful, but I still think my uncle's playing favourite when he decided to knight a random stable boy out of it. He wasn't the one with sprained ankle!

"Daydreaming again, princess?"

I slap Timmy playfully in the back. Coming from him, the way he addressed me could only be a mock. "How many times do I have to remind you? Call me Jenny when we're alone." I pet Summer for the last time, bidding her goodbye.

"You stink, Jenny. And sorry, old habits die hard." From master-servant to eligible marriage partners, we've come a long way, huh?

"Better get used to it fast, lad." As if in cue, Uncle Isaac emerged from our left, his entourage follows a few steps behind.

Laying it a bit thick today, aren't we?

"Your Majesty!" Timmy quickly bows deep as I curtsy.

The lean man nods to Timmy before pulling me into a hug.

"I won't even ask what brought you here." I said to his shoulders.

Uncle Isaac's laugh booms across the stable as he releases me. "I guess subtlety just doesn't run in the family."

"We'll survive." I wink at him, causing another warm laugh.

"Let's dine together tonight. I'll invite the whole team." Prince Gareth and Sir Raphael aren't exactly family (at least not yet), hence his choice of word.

Why am I not surprised? Uncle Isaac dotes on Timmy so much it hurts. Not everyday we dine together, as our schedules rarely match, but he always makes sure to hold 'family' dinner on Friday. I wonder why.

Can't exactly blame him though, since Timmy and I were practically raised together (his mother was my nanny before she died of heart attack five years ago). It's only a given his family's been in uncle's good book for so long. More than easily anyone else, he can be sure that Timmy won't bear ill intentions toward me. Since my parents' death, he has always had this certain need to know that he'll leave me in good hands as he hands me the crown. Though I find it a bit hard on him, I know he means well, but this is the decision I'll make for myself.

It's fair game to have favourites, though ... After all, Anne also has one very recently—if you get what I mean.

"Timmy, that includes you."

"Understood, sir."

Uncle Isaac turns to me and lowers his voice, conducting a lousy attempt of being discreet. "Is it a bit much to make him call me 'uncle'?"

"That's too much, yeah." I fold my arms, unimpressed. "And abuse of authorization."

"But Raph—"

"He's Anne's fiancé, okay? They're to be married this autumn."

"Don't remind me! That bastard, stealing away my girl when I wasn't looking ...."

Dude. "Um, he asked for your permission."

"He did, huh?" Uncle wears this somber expression in his face that makes me cringe all over.

"Uncle, stop being a drama queen! They'll continue to live here, nothing's going to change! Except maybe expect another girl ... or boy ... or both."

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