Saturday: Crown Prince Royce

Start from the beginning

"Gareth, it's not—" Uncle clambers out of his and Prince Edmund's embrace. "—what it looks like, I swear."

"Calm down, Isaac." Prince Gareth says calmly.

But uncle must've gotten the wrong message, since he starts to walk hastily up to his lover, mouth trembling and eyes teary, not in any way getting any calmer. "No, no, please let me explain ... Gareth ...."

Prince Gareth scoops him in an embrace, one hand tight in his waist and the other strokes his shaking back gently. "I said calm down, didn't I? What are you so upset about?"

"What would I do if you leave me? What's left of me without you?" My uncle's a panicking mess. His gaze becomes frantic and his breath becomes dangerously rapid.

"Hey, hey! Isaac, listen to me." Prince Gareth forces my uncle to look up to his calm, steady eyes. Slowly, Uncle Isaac's breathe goes slower. "You would still be the king your people loves and deserves. And I'm not going anywhere. Just go do whatever you need to do for your people and your family. For yourself. You know I'll still be here when you're done. When have I ever not?"

"Yes, yes Gareth, I'm sorry ...."

"Don't be, my love." Prince Gareth kisses the top of my uncle's head and holds him tight.

Okay, that was incredibly sweet I can't even. I bet Prince Edmund's moved, too, since he takes a step forward and faces us with a determination in his eyes.

"I owe you so many apologies, Princess Jennifer. Naive and heartbroken, years ago, I came to believe in this distorted logic that you're the reason Ise broke up with me. All of the sudden, with no explanation at all. While it's partly his fault, it still doesn't justify me trying to threaten your life, haunting you with constant fear. For that, I sincerely apologize."

"Apology accepted, Prince Edmund. I am the reason he broke up with you, after all."

"No, Jenny, it's not your fault!" Uncle Isaac buries me in his arms. "My baby, it's never your fault. Never! It's all me."

"Well, so it happened." I swiftly dismiss him before he's having another panic attack. "No one's harmed. Let's move on. Just give me your word to never do that again."

"I promise." Prince Edmund says readily. "And know that while it seems unlikely, since I've sent assassins your way. You must believe me that I have no intention whatsoever to actually assassinate you. You must believe me that the chandelier accident's not my doing."

"I understand." I nod. "And thank you, for being honest with us."

"No, thank you for being very understanding."

"I must ask you, though, were you the one who killed my horse?" I intentionally use the word 'kill' to gag his reaction.

"Horse? I'm afraid not, princess."

I nod. "Then I'm done here. Uncle?" As I thought, the one who poisoned Summer and Timmy is the same person, and not Prince Edmund.

Uncle nods in agreement, as if reading my mind. "Then you are excused, Jenny."

I give him a quick hug. "Talk it out, you guys." I address the three men before walking out of my uncle's study.

...And straight into some other's broad back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't ... Kev! What are you doing here?"

Turning around, Kevyn looks at me with sad eyes without saying anything.

"Uh, Kev? Let's talk somewhere else?"

Kevyn blinks, snapping out of whatever it is he's originally in. "Where are you going? I'll take you there. I promised Royce I won't be long."

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