
When I got home, no one was there. Andrew was next door and my dad was back at work.

I plopped against the couch, letting my eyes droop close. I hadn't even realized how tired I was. I had been getting little sleep all week. My mind had been pretty preoccupied. All I could think about was everything but my schoolwork.

I sighed deeply, letting it out slowly through my nostrils. What was going on with me? I felt like I was beginning to lose who I was? But, who was I before anyway? This time last week I had been unpacking boxes. This time last month, I had been mourning the death of my mother. This time last year, I had been hiding in my room away from everyone else. But now, here I was, in a skirt, going places with a guy, actually socializing with people my age. This was not who I was. But, was it really such a bad thing? Was becoming an actual teenage girl that bad? It was my senior year in high school, wasn't it time for me to join the outside world? But the real question was, was I actually ready to accept the changes I could feel coming on, or would I be a coward like I was a year ago and ignore it all?


I woke up to a knock on the door. I hadn't even realized that I'd fallen asleep on the couch. The cable box read just after eleven at night.

Groggily, I made my way towards the door to only find Caleb holding a sleeping Andrew in his arms.

I smacked my forehead. "Crap! I was suppose to pick him up at eight. In sorry, I feel asleep."

He shrugged walking passed me towards Andrews bedroom. "It's fine. My parents love having him over. Gives Bella someone to play with."

He cut the room light out and shut the door behind him quietly.

I felt my eyes roll. I could already see it burning in his eyes, I just knew him that well. "Go on,ask."

He crossed his arms. "Well, how was it? Did you have fun?" He followed me towards my room.

"It's was fine, and yes, I did have fun." I said shortly. The way he was always so interested in what I did with Josh was starting to become slightly irritating.

"What did you do?"

I have him a look. "I don't know Caleb. What did you do tonight?" I instantly regretted the question when his cheeks turned the slightest color of pink. I could feel my own warning as u tried not to think about him and Amber together

He sobered out with a shrug. "Nothing just...hung out with Amber."

I cocked a brow. "Sure."

He rolled his eyes. "Nice try. But we're not changing the subject." He sat down and patted the spot next to him.

I shook my head stubbornly. He was not about to get anything out of me. It was none of his business. Truth was, I just didn't want to tell him the he took us to our place, and...the fact that I'd kissed him. For some reason, I got the feeling that Caleb didn't n want to hear that. It was like he really was my older brother.

"Tabitha seriously..."

"What?" I said indifferently.

He shook his head. "Honestly, when did you get so stubborn?"

I shrugged. "It's been a while since we were little kids."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You clearly don't want to talk to your best friend right now." He looked away sadly.

"Caleb!" I punched him in the arm.


"Don't you dare try to guilt trip me!" It was something he knew I hated since we were little kids. I had always been a big pushover and he would always take advantage of it.

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