x. down one sibling

Start from the beginning

"Elijah." Hayley calls, trying to reign the man in.

"Niklaus treated you like a son." Elijah states. "Rebekah-"

"I loved her. I still love her. All we ever wanted was to be together, but as long as Klaus was around, that was never gonna happen." Marcel exclaims. "But hey, I guess you wouldn't know anything about that, huh?"

Elijah finally releases Marcel, glaring towards him. "When Klaus learns the truth, there will be no end to his rage. I will not let my sister suffer that wrath."

"Then we need to get to them before he learns the truth." Marcel exclaims.


The rescue mission to get Rebekah and Klaus back had been mostly successful. While Cullen wasn't permitted to go she did know that they had managed to get Klaus back, but he was on the verge of murdering Rebekah so she ran and because of the imposing threat towards his sister Elijah buried Papa Tunde's blade into Klaus's chest.

"Elijah, what is it?" Cullen questions, following Elijah as he leads her into Klaus's bedroom.

"I am going to remove the dagger." Elijah claims, glancing down at his brother.

"He is going to kill you." Cullen states, now use to Klaus's fights with his siblings that usually ended with one of them in pain.

"That is why you are here." Elijah mutters, rolling up his sleeves. "Out of all the people that could be here, you're probably the only one he wouldn't immediately slaughter."

Cullen nods slightly watching as Elijah cuts Klaus's chest open, reaching in to pull out the blade. "I think I'm going to be sick." Cullen raises her hand to her mouth as Elijah pulls the bloody dagger out.

"Niklaus will be weak as he recovers. So, watch over him and feed him, if you would. But slowly, please, and from your wrist." Elijah tells her.

"Don't you guys have bags of blood in storage?" Cullen questions, glancing down at her now very obvious and large baby bump.

"We do." Elijah nods. "But Klaus will not take too much blood from you, he knows it could harm the baby. He'll ingest it slower. Perhaps you could use the time constructively? Persuade him not to murder his baby sister." Elijah bends down, whispering in Klaus's ear. "Niklaus, it was not my desire to bring you pain, but I will not see you hurt Rebekah. Now, I fear Sabine will be making a final move against us. I intend to find her and to end this."

"Elijah." Klaus weakly calls as Elijah begins to walk away. "You will pay for this."

Elijah sighs at his brothers words, placing a comforting hand on Cullen's shoulder. "I will be back soon. In the mean time Marcel's vampires will be protecting the compound."

Cullen nods, watching as he walks away before she turns to Klaus. Walking over to his bed she sits down next to him, offering him her wrist.

Klaus takes a deep breath, glancing between Cullen and her stomach before lightly biting into her wrist. He barely takes any before he lets go of her wrist, watching as the bite marks heal almost instantly. "She's your sister, Klaus." Cullen exclaims. "How can you hate her?"

"Because she has done what no one else has managed to do to me for 1,000 years." Klaus tells her. "Rip my heart out."

Cullen sits quietly and listens to Klaus as he tells the story of when Mikael had been summoned to town by of Marcel and Rebekah. She was so engrossed in the story she almost didn't notice when he tried to stand up.

"Stop." Cullen groans, trying to support his body weight so he didn't fall to the ground. "Your going to take both of us down. You're still too weak."

"I'm still hungry." Klaus grunts as Cullen pushes him back onto the bed. "There's a fresh blood supply in the kitchen."

"You won't make it that far. So, be a good little boy and get back into bed." Cullen places her hands on her hips.

Klaus chuckles. "If I had a quid for every time a woman has tried that line on me"

"You'd have, like, no money." Cullen smiles.

"I beg to differ. Some women actually find me quite charming." Klaus smirks. "If I remember correctly, that night you couldn't keep your hands off of me." Klaus continues to tell Cullen more of his past, only stopping to get up and poor himself a drink.

"Hey." Cullen calls, following him into the study. "If I can't drink neither can you."

"Poor little witch." Klaus drawls, purposely taking a long sip of his drink.

Cullen only glares in response at his childish actions. "What would Elijah say?"

"Don't speak to me of Elijah." Klaus snaps.

"He loves you, Klaus." Cullen rolls her eyes at his anger.

"Yes. He does, and he proves it time and again, even when my father enlisted him to kill me." Klaus states. "Elijah has always carried guilt for that night for trying to stop our father. I told him not to blame himself. When your father wants to kill you, he wants to kill you. Nothing you can do about it." Before Klaus can continue he's interrupted by his phone buzzing. "Oh, I hate to be a know-it-all. My sister and her lover have been spotted in town. So, story time endeth here, I'm afraid." Pushing over a nearby statue Klaus watches as it breaks, revealing the white oak state.

Cullen's eyes widen at the weapon in his hand, knowing that it was the only thing that could kill an Original. "Klaus, no."

"Sorry, love." Klaus speeds towards her, pulling a small bottle of magic dust out of his back pocket. "You know me and witches, we don't get along very well." Blowing the dust into Cullen's face Klaus catches her as she goes limp, knocked out.


"Cullen." A sweet voice is the first thing Cullen hears when she wakes up.

"Rebekah?" Cullen questions, sitting up in bed. She was still slightly disorientated from Klaus's attack. "What's going on? How long have I been asleep?"

"It's been a day." Rebekah smiles sadly. "I came to say goodbye."

"What?" Cullen questions.

"Things with Nik escalated and then they faded. We came to a sort of all-or-nothing arrangement. I leave town for good, and he allows me to. Can't pass that up."

"What? Rebekah no." Cullen shakes her head, tears forming in her eyes. She hadn't realized how close she had grown to the woman in the last couple months. The thought of her leaving saddened Cullen to no end.

"Cullen I need to tell you something." Rebekah begins. "Your child-- our family has no shortage of enemies. She will inherit all of them. Please, be careful."

"Rebekah you can't leave." Cullen now allows the tears to fall freely. "My child can't grow up without her aunt."

"I will always be here in spirit." Rebekah shippers, pulling Cullen into a hug. "Just make sure to tell that little girl stories of her crazy Auntie Bex. And let her know, despite my absence, I do love her very much." Reluctantly Rebekah pulls away, leaving a teary eyed Cullen alone.

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