Extra~ Chapter 31

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(Y/N) POV~
"When are you and Bokuto going to get married?" Sumi asked me well she followed me to the living room.

"Sometime after High School, if we're still together," I said sitting on the couch with her, "Now which movie do you want to watch?"

"The Dark Crystal," Sumi says smiling, "My favourite part is when they suck the souls out of those little funny things"

For some strange reason I feel like Sumi may get arrested one day, I'm not saying she'll be arrested for murder, but definitely for something.

"Okay," I say putting the bowl of popcorn I got for us in between the two of us.

"Okay so you and Bokuto will get married," Sumi said smiling.

"Hopefully," I said.

"And I'll be an aunt," Sumi said, which was less of a question and more of a statement.

"Sure," I said turning on The Dark Crystal.

~Time Skip~
We we're in the middle of watching The Dark Crystal when my phone started ringing. Sumi didn't seem to notice so I got up and walked to the kitchen to answer it.

"Hello," I said answering my phone.

"(Y/N), I... I don't... it's.... why!!!!" I heard Bokuto saying through sobs.

"Kotaro, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked worried about him.

"I... it's... it's dead!!" He said.

"What's dead?" I asked worried.

"The... the fish... it's dead!!" He yelled.

"Oh no... Kotaro I'm coming over with Sumi," I said knowing that he viewed that fish as his child.

I hung up the phone and ran to the living room and turned off the movie.

"Hey! You're a meany pants you asshole!!" Sumi yelled at me.

"I... Sumi you do not use that language!!" I yell at her, "You are six years old, you do not need to be saying those words!"

"Fine," Sumi says.

"Now we're going get your shoes on," I said walking to the front door.

"Where are we going?" She says following me.

"We're going to see Kotaro," I say.

"Can I call him Kotaro too?" She asks.

"You'll have to ask him, but not today," I say.

"Okay," She says getting her shoes on.

~Time Skip~
We got to Bokuto's house and I knocked on the door. No one answered so I checked to see if the door was unlocked which it was.

"Hello!" I yelled as I walked in with Sumi.

No one answered but I could her quiet sobs. I'm guessing he's home alone right now.

I brought Sumi to his living room and turned The Dark Crystal on, on his TV.

"I'll be back in a bit," I said patting her head. She gave me a nod and I started walking towards Bokuto's room.

I knocked on the door and could hear him in the other side of the door.

"Kotaro, can I come in?" I asked.

"Yes," I heard him say quietly. I opened the door to see him curled up in a ball on his bed with... with the fish on the floor on a piece of paper towel?

"Kotaro," I said walking over to him and hugging.

"I... I killed it," He said.

"I'm sure it's not your fault," I said, "Did you feed it the right amount everyday?"

"Ya," He said pouting.

"Did you clean the tank?" I asked.


"You did everything I told you to?"

"Ya.. and it died," He said.

"Kotaro it's not your fault," I said rubbing his back.

"But... I couldn't take care of a fish," He said as he hugged me and buried his face in my hair, "Do you think I'd be able to take care of our kids if we have any?"

My eyes widened slightly as I felt him hug me tighter.

"Kotaro listen," I said pulling away and looking him in the eyes, "That was a fish, okay, I know you loved it, but taking care of a kid is a lot different," I said, "I'm sure you'll be a great father, your amazing with Sumi, and she's a demon"

He laughed slightly and smiled weakly at me, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said nodding.

He pushed me back into the bed and crawled over me.

"K-Kotaro, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm sure Sumi's fine with being an Aunt, and you said I'd be a great father," Bokuto said smiling down at me, "And you'd be an amazing mother, so.."

"What are you guys doing?" Sumi asked from the door.

"Sumi, oh," I said trying to shove Bokuto off of me but he wouldn't budge.

"I was looking for the bathroom, I'm about to pee my pants," Sumi said crossing her legs.

"Down the hall to the left," I said, still trying to shove Bokuto off of me.

"Okay thanks," She said before leaving, but coming back, "But what are you guys doing?"

"Oh, we're about to make a-" Bokuto started but I covered his mouth with my hands.

"We're about to make cookies," I said smiling.

"Oh, but aren't you supposed to make them in the kitchen?" Sumi asked before shrugging, "What ever, I got to pee"

She walked away from the room and I looked at Bokuto.

"Kotaro, off," I said.

"But Baby," He said pouting playfully.

"We have to get rid of the fish," I said, "Do you want it to just sit on your bedroom floor?"


Hey guys I'm back sorry for the wait
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
Anyways Thanks for reading
Word Count~ 924

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