Extra~ Chapter 14

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(Y/N) POV~
"You are all coming over after practice," Aimi yells in the middle of practice.

"Why?" Mika asks confused.

"Because it's a nice day, and if you have forgotten let me remind you, I have a pool," Aimi says smiling.

"Please say your taking about your actual pool and not a kitty pool from the store?" Asami says.

Once Aimi invited us to go swimming in her pool, but we ended up sitting in a kitty pool because she screamed if any of us went in her actual pool.

"No it is not a kitty pool," She says shaking her head.

~Time Skip~
It's finally the end of practice and I'm at my house getting my swimsuit. Sumi is at one of her friends house for a play date tonight and my moms picking her up since she's off work.

"Hey honey, if Aimi has any freezies, take some for me okay?" My mom says as I come down the stairs with my bag that has my swimsuit in it.

"I already know what to do," I said, "Anyways even if you didn't tell me to, I still would"

"That is why you are my daughter," She said as I walked out the door.

"You ready (Y/N)?" Asami yelled as she came around the corner of the street. She lives just on the next street over, that's kinda how we became such good friends, that and our Moms being best friends.

"Yup," I say giving her a thumbs up. We then start walking over to Aimi's house.

~Time Skip~ Because I'm lazy and don't know what to write for this part right here where the Time Skip is
Once we get to Aimi's house we get changed into our bathing suits and get into the pool. (You can choose what your bathing suit looks like, it can be a unicorn costume if you want)

I was in the pool just kinda floating there like a dead person when Aimi says that she needs to grab something and runs inside.

I then quickly get out of the pool and sneak into the house after her. I go to the kitchen where Morgan and Mika are getting some snacks.

I go into Aimi's freezer and pull out a freezie and cut the top. I then run back outside and grab one of the pool board things she has and I get back in the pool with my freezie.

"Aimi's going to scream once she see's you have a freezie in the pool," Kiko says to me.

"Then she can scream, I've watched drop multiple freezies, drinks, and other foods in the pool before. Anyways, she's fine with freezies in the pool, her Dad even offers them when he's here, she only gets upset with certain food" I say as I enjoy my freezie.

"Okay, I'm back," Aimi says coming back outside. I'm facing the opposite direction so she can't see the freezie.

"HEY! HEY! HEY!" I hear what sounds like my boyfriend yell.

I quickly turn around in the shallow end of the pool and almost fall off of the part of the board I'm floating on.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Aimi say seeming angry.

"What, it's just a freezie, and it's not like I've dropped one in your pool before," I say, "But why's my Bokuto and the rest of the boys team here?"

"I invited them," She says seeming to forget she's angry at me.

"I got watermelon!!!!!" Morgan yells as she walks out of Aimi's house with a plate of watermelon.

"And I got," Mika freezes since she has nothing in her hands, "Nothing"

"Okay," I say slowly moving to the corner of the shallow end of the pool.

"You guys can do whatever you want, just don't steal anything, and don't drop any food in the pool," Aimi says to the boys, "Oh and don't drown"

Bokuto then takes off his shirt getting ready to jump into the pool. I almost fall off of the board again but manage to stay on it.

"Hey, if you breakup with him, can I have him?" Asami says moving towards me in the pool.

"What makes you think I'm gonna breakup with him?" I question her.

"I'm just kidding," She says holding her hands up defensively.

Bokuto then jumps into the pool splashing me a bit. When he comes back up to the surface of the water he looks at me and smiles.

His hair is no longer up like it usually is, it's down and just gonna say, it looks good.

"Hey (Y/N)," He says coming towards where I am.

"Hey Bokuto," I say smiling.

"Can I?" He says pointing to my freezie as he stands up in the shallow end, well I'm crouched down trying to stay in the water as much as possible to make sure I don't freeze.

"Sure," I say as I had him the freezie. There's only a bit left since I had almost finished it.

"I will be taking that," Aimi says leaning over the edge of the pool and taking it to Bokuto after he had the last of the freezie.

"Come here," Bokuto says opening his arms. I look at him a bit confused but stand up out of the water and go towards him.

He then picks me up and puts me on his shoulders.

"Ohhhh, so that's gonna happen, I wanna battle (Y/N)," Asami says looking around, "Akaashi get your ass in the pool now and let me get on your shoulders so I can beat (Y/N) at this"

(Okay so I looked up what I'm basically trying to say is happening to see if it has a name. The internet says it's called 'Chicken Fight' or 'Shoulder Wars." Basically one team member sits on the other team members shoulders in the water. You then try to push the other person on the other team of their partners shoulders)

"Why?" Akaashi asks as he uses the ladder to get into the pool.

"Because I need to beat herrrrr," Asami says as Akashi allows her to get on his shoulders.

I then grab Asami's hands and she grabs mine.

"Oh, I'll ref," Aimi says running over to the edge of the pool closet to use, "Just don't die"

"Okay, three, two," Aimi starts counting down, "one"

I then start pushing Asami's hands trying to knock her off of Akaashi's shoulders, well she's trying to push me off of Bokuto's.

"I'm gonna win," I say to Asami as I push her hard and she almost fall off.

"No I'm going to," She says pushing me. I almost fall off but I don't and I push her back. This goes on for awhile until finally, I knock her off of Akaashi's shoulders.

"We won," Bokuto yells as I fall back and off of his shoulders. I fall into the water and stand up.

Bokuto then hugs me tightly and holds my shoulders as he looks at me.

"We make a good team," I say smiling him.

"We make a GREAT team," He says as he kisses me on the lips. We haven't been dating for awhile, just for a week so this is the first time we've actually kissed.

He pulls away and smiles, and I smile back at him.

"No, not in my Christian pool," Aimi says as she laughs.

So here's the first of the Extra Chapters
But ya you got to chicken fight
I hope you liked it
Word Count- 1226

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