Extra~ Chapter 25

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(Y/N) POV~
"Hey (Y/N), your Aunt's dropping (C/N) off in an hour or two, but I have to get going or I'll miss my flight, just tell her I'm out grocery shopping," My mom say grabbing her bags and putting her shoes on, "If she finds out I left for a work trip she's going to give that boy to someone else, probably one of her crazy friends, I have no idea why my brother married her"

"Got it," I said. Sumi came running down the hall towards us and basically threw herself at our mom.

"Be safe mom," She said hugging her, "I'll take good care of (Y/N) and (C/N)"

"Okay," My mom said patting her head, "Love you both"

~Time Skip~
I was sitting on the couch with Sumi watching a movie she wanted to watch when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and walked to the door, I'm sure Sumi would have come but I think she's to interested in watching the movie to hear that someone's at the door. Usually she's like a dog, she runs of the door and starts screeching that someone is here.

I open the door to see my Aunt and Cousin with my uncle in the car.

"Oh, (Y/N), you didn't come to visit this year, I'm so glad to see you, are you still interested in what ever sport you play?" She says giving me a clearly fake smile.

"Sorry, I would have come but I had an important volleyball game," I said. I didn't have anything important that was planned, all I really did was get my fish child with Bokuto, but she doesn't know that I didn't have a game.

"Oh," She says, her fake smile disappearing, "You know you should start finding something else to do since you're almost done Highschool, something more, lady like"

"I'm good, I enjoy volleyball," I say, smiling.

"Well, where's your mother? Is she on another business trip, leaving you and Sumi alone? I'll take all three of you to my friends, so you don't go throwing some party or something," She said taking out her phone to call her friend.

"No, she just ran out to get somethings, she said she'd be back in an hour or two, if you want to wait," I say.

"No, we have to get to the airport," She said shaking her head, "Well good bye (C/N)"

"Bye," He says stepping into the house as she walks away.

I look to my uncle in the car and he smiles and waves to me, and I wave back. I still have no idea why he married her or how their still together. If it was up to (C/N) I'm sure she'd be gone. He tells me about how much he can't stand her, but since his father finally seems happy since his mother passed away, he doesn't say anything.

I close the door and walk into the house with (C/N). We walk into to living room and Sumi immediately jumps off the couch and runs to him once she sees that he here.

"Hey Sumi," He says ruffling her hair a bit.

"Hi (C/N)," She says, "I have big big BIG news!"

"What's that?" He asks smiling.

"I'M AN AUNT!!" She yells. Oh no, this is going to be bad.

(C/N)'s smile fades and he slowly looks at me.

"Sumi, didn't you say you had a new toy that you forgot to bring when you visited me, that you wanted to show me," He said, still looking at me.

"Oh ya, I'll be back," She said running off.

"You had a baby," He said once she ran off to find the toy, "(Y/N) your still in Highschool, I know you're going to graduate this year, but still"

"(C/N)," I start but he interrupts me. I might as well just let him get it all out, before I tell him the truth, so that he looks more stupid then he would be if I told him right now.

"No, you had a baby, does your mom know? Well of course she knows. When did you have this baby? Who's the dad?" He said, "Where's the baby? How come you didn't tell me? Where does the dad live?"

"(C/N)," I say again, but he just keeps going on and on.

"How come you didn't tell me? You could have called, texted, you could have gotten your mom to tell me," He says, seeming to be the most upset about me not telling him, "Were you even going to tell me?"

"(C/N), if I'm telling the truth, I wasn't going to tell you," I say, him visibly seeming hurt, "Because Sumi is the aunt to a fish"

"Wait, you have birth to a fish?" He said, confused.

"No, my boyfriend bought a fish and we told Sumi that she was the aunt," I said shaking my head.

"Oh, well I feel stupid," He says, "Wait, you have a boyfriend? Who? How?"

"Yes I have a boyfriend, his name is Bokuto Kotaro, he's the Captain and Ace of the boys volleyball team," I say.

"Oh, I'm sure that Karen(I shall name (Y/N)'s aunt Karen you can change it if you want) would hate the fact that he plays volleyball," He said, "You should tell her"

"I really should," I said.

"Wait, but why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I don't know, you probably have a girlfriend you didn't tell me about," I say shrugging.

"How did you?"

"Wait, you actually have a girlfriend," I say.

"Well actually, HAD, a girlfriend," He says, "I broke up with her"

"Wait, so when you finally find a girl that you like, after the other two, you make her your girlfriend and then break up with her?" I ask. (C/N) is known at his school for being one of the most good looking people, but he had only had one or two girlfriends since he wanted to only date people he really liked and thought he would be with for a long time.

The first one broke up with him because her parents found out and made her break up with him, since they were strict.

The second one, who he really loved, and they had even talked a bit about their future, and I really did lime this girl, they had been together for a year, but she moved away about five months ago, they tried to make it work, but they ended it.

And I have no idea what happened this time.

"I found out she was cheating on me," He said looking down, "I broke up with her, and right after she texted my best friend trying to get with him, he told me about it and blocked her"

I hugged, I know it must be hard for him, he doesn't date just anyone.

"(C/N) look, look, look," Sumi yells. I let go of him and we turn to see Sumi holding the nerf gun Bokuto got her.

"Who-" (C/N) starts.

"Bokuto got it for me," She said smiling, before she started to shoot at (C/N).

I hope you like it
The aunt is now named Karen
You can change it if you want
Thanks for reading
I've been updating this story so much
Word Count- 1244

Fukurodani's Captain's~ Bokuto x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora