Chapter 2

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I had picked Sumi up from school and we are now walking to the gym at Fukurodani for practice.

"Hey (Y/N) look at that boy he's pretty," Sumi tugs on my uniform skirt and points towards a boy. The boy turns to us and I realize it's Akaashi. He's a second year and the setter for the boys team. I don't know him that well but I've talked to him from time to time.

"Hi pretty boy," My sister yells as she waves at him. "Sumi you can't do that," I say to her. I look at Akaashi and mouth a sorry and he just shrugs and waves at Sumi. "Your lucky it was Akaashi and not some weirdo," I tell her.

"Akishi, Akooshi, Okushi," Sumi says trying to pronounce his name. She has a slight speech problem that makes it harder for her to pronounce new words correctly, it doesn't seem to bother her that much though.

"I'm just gonna call him Pretty boy," She says giving up on saying his name. "Who's pretty boy?" Asami asks as she pops out of the gym we practice in. "Akishi is, wait no, Akooshi, I don't know how to say it," Sumi gives up and lets her hands hang at her side.

"Ohhh, now I know," Asami says as we walk into the gym. "Sumi I'm gonna go change," I tell my sister. "Okay I'll stay with Asami," She smiles, grabbing Asami's hand and quickly telling her about all she did today.

I finished changing and was walking over to Sumi with my phone. "Here, you can play a game if you get bored," I hand her my phone and she smiles. "Okay, you go volleyball," she waves me away while she sits on the bench next and swings her legs. I smiled at her and walked to the middle of the gym.

"Okay girls, as you know we are going to the training camp with some other teams, most of which are boys teams," I say as they make a small circle around me, "Let's work on our receives since they're lacking, and our serves." They all nod as they listen to me explain what we were going to do this practice.

"Aimi I want you to work on setting like we were doing last time, and Mika you work on spiking, since you two are already good at receiving and serving," I look at the two girls.

"Everyone good with what the Captain said?" Asami asks looking around the circle. Each girl nods their head and we begin practice.

~Time Skip~

We were in the middle of practice when something hit the gym door. We all freeze and look towards it. "The monster came back to get me (Y/N)!" Sumi screams as she ran towards me with her arms waving in the air. "It's okay, remember we caught the monster," I tell her, moving her as Asami picks her up. 

I walk to the door and open it. I look around and I see a boy running towards me. "Hey can you pass the ball!" He yells to me, pointing to something. I look down to see a volleyball at my feet. I pick it up and bring it to him.

"Just try and be more careful next time," I say as I hand him the ball. "Yeah, sorry," He smiles at me taking the ball. "Bokuto come on!" I hear someone yell. Bokuto, the boys team captain? I guess it could be him. Even though we're both 3rd years, and the captains of the volleyball teams, I've never really gotten the chance to meet him before.

"Thanks," He smiles at me again, before running off. "Yeah, you better be scared of my sister, you monster!" Sumi yells as Asami stands beside me. "Sumi, you can't call people monsters, it's not nice," Asami scolds he as she puts her down. "Fine," Sumi says walking back into the gym with a sassy sway to her hips.

~Time Skip~

Practice finally finish's and I walk home with Asami and Sumi. Asami and I have been friends since we were kids. Once I started looking after Sumi my mom started to work at the same place as Asami's mom. Their work makes them travel a lot so Asami will sleepover at our house until they get back when they have to travel for work, since she doesn't like staying alone in her house for more then a few days.

"What are we having for dinner?" Sumi asks looking up at me. "How about, Dinosaur chicken nuggets?" I say looking down at my sister. She was walking in between Asami and I, holding both of our hands while skipping.

"Yes, yes, yes," She jumps as she skips. "What's your favourite dinosaur, Sumi?" Asami asks, looking down at her. "Hmmm, maybe the stegaosoras, no, the stogosaurus, uhh I don't know how to say it, it's too long," Sumi gives up on saying stegosaurus.

AN - I hope you like it

Word Count - 836

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