Extra~ Chapter 70

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(Y/N) POV~
"This is amazing!!" Asami screams as she falls off of the couch, "Sorry... YOU TWO ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!"

"Congratulations," Akaashi says as he helps Asami up from the floor.

"I'm calling a family meeting!!" Asami screams as she takes out her phone and begins to call Mika and Aimi telling them to bring their significant others with them to her house.

Bokuto and I decided that besides our families that Asami and Akaashi should be the first to know about the engagement, of course Mika, Aimi, Kuroo and Yachi would come after them.

As soon as we sat down in their living room Asami became very protective of me and thought that Bokuto and I may have broken up or that he had cheated. She started to yell many things, some of which I would not like to repeat. I would say that she's pregnant but her and Akaashi have agreed that they don't want to have kids right after they get married, and Asami has said that she wants to wait until I'm ready to have kids so that we can have them around the same time and be like those best friends you see that are pregnant at the same time, she explained it better.

We wanted to include Mika and Aimi, but Aimi is still a bit unsure on if she wants kids, and even though I know Mika wants kids, from what she has said she wants many, I know that she wants to take things slow with Kuroo, so I don't think she plans on getting pregnant anytime soon.

"They are on their way" Asami says coming back and sitting down with a strange look on her face. She leans closer to me so that she can whisper in my ear without Akaashi or Bokuto hearing, "I think I may have interrupted something that I didn't want to interrupt"

I laughed as she looked at me in pain, "I should have just texted them and not called!!" She slowly slid off of the couch and onto the floor and curled up into a ball. Akaashi looked down at her with a small sigh before sitting on the floor beside her to comfort her in whatever kind of state she may be in.

"I would ask if she was dying but I have learned that this is normal Asami," Bokuto says and I nod my head before hearing multiple knocks at the door and getting up to get it but Asami shoots up from the floor and rushes to the door.

I hear talking and laughing from the front door that slowly gets louder as they enter the living room. I sit down beside Bokuto and they all freeze staring that us.

Aimi is the first to speak out of everyone in the room, "Do I have to take you're ankles?" She directs the question at Bokuto and Mika stares at the two of us. Kuroo looks confused and lost about the whole situation while Yachi looks like she had just been kidnapped and dragged here and knows nothing.

"I'm pregnant," I say and Aimi basically screams as Mika falls into Kuroo's arms almost fainting, Asami and Akaashi look at me confused, Yachi seems confused on what emotion she should feel but looks surprised and Bokuto only stares at me, "I'm not pregnant, I don't know why I said that"

Bokuto seems both relieved but disappointed at the same time before he speaks, "I thought it was going to be like High School all over again"

Yachi seems to focus on something and takes step forward before gasping. She begins to jump up and down with a smile on her face. Aimi looks at her slightly concerned but seems to try and ignore it.

"Please sit, sit down," Asami says as she pushed them to the couch's that are in her living room. No one seemed to be moving other than the fact that Asami was trying to push them. Asami took a deep breath, "EVERYONE SIT DOWN OR I WILL SICK MY CAT ON YOU!!"

"Ahh!! Your cat's soooo scary!" Aimi said in a sarcastic tone and Asami glared at her which seemed to make her shut her mouth and sit down.

Everyone looks at us waiting and Asami starts doing strange hand gestures as if trying to get us to begin. I look at Bokuto and he nods his head and I turn back to them all, "We got engaged!"

You see I was thinking that I would end this story around 100 chapters but I don't think that's going to happen, there will probably more than 100 chapters... take that as you will
Any who I hope you are enjoying the beginning of the chapters where Bokuto and (Y/N) are engaged
Word Count~ 806

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