Chapter 12

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(Y/N) POV~
After talking to Mika, Asami, and Aimi about their bets, and then giving up because I probably will never be able to stop them, I started to walk home with Bokuto.

"So do we get to have Dino nuggets?" Bokuto asked as we walked.

"I don't know, we may, it matters on what Sumi and my Mom feel like," I say, "If I want something different then I'll make myself something different"

"Okay," He said smiling, "Well then let's go"

Bokuto then picked me up and started running towards where he thought my house was.

"Bokuto, you were supposed to turn back there," I said pointing over his shoulder.

"Oh, oops," He said turning around and running in the right direction until I yelled at him to stop and turn around because he ran passed my house.

Finally we had made it to my house after Bokuto running around well carrying me for what felt like an hour but was really just about 15 minutes since I didn't live to far away from the school. I walked up to the door and tried to open just in case it was unlocked, which it was, so I walked in and took my shoes off and put my bag down with Bokuto following me.

"I'm home," I yelled as Bokuto shut the door. I heard some footsteps and then saw little Sumi running towards me and then she jumped at me, like I was some sort of food.

"Your home," She said as if she hadn't seen me in months. She was hugging me until she saw Bokuto, "Bokuto, why are you here?"

"Hey Sumi, (Y/N) said I could come for dinner," he said smiling.

"Oh, okay I'll tell mom," Sumi said. Before I could say anything she ran off and I heard her yell, "MOM (Y/N)'S HUSBAND IS HERE FOR DINNER"

"What?! (Y/N) I expected so much more from you, if anything I would think Sumi would be the one to get married and pregnant in high school," She said as she walked towards me with her hair up and a knife in her hand.

"Mom, first of all, please put the knife down, and second Bokuto and I aren't married," Is aid holding up my hands and stepping closer to Bokuto.

"You aren't?" My mom asked as she stopped walking, "Then why is he here?"

"I'm (Y/N)'s boyfriend," Bokuto said, not seeming to care much about my mom holding a knife.

"Oh, are you the one that's been giving my daughter those love letters?" She asked seeming completely calm.

"Yes," He said smiling, seeming proud.

"Oh, well I'm sure your fine then," She said smiling at him, "I'm making (what ever food you would like) I hope that's fine"

"That's fine with me," Bokuto said still smiling.

"Yup, that's good mom, thanks," I said smiling.

"Mommy, Mommy, (Y/N) almost got pregnant at her and Bokuto's wedding"

"What!" My mom yelled turning back around holding the knife tighter like she was ready to stab someone.

"Mom, the wedding was because Sumi wanted one, it was only pretended, Morgan married us so," I said recalling everything that happened, "You can even ask Aimi, Asami, and Mika, and Sumi thinks I almost got pregnant because when I hugged Bokuto our 'tummies' touched"

"Wait, what?" My mom said starting to laugh.

"Well," I said making sure Sumi was still in the other room, "Sumi asked Aimi how babies were made so she said that if you touch 'tummies' with someone then you'll get a baby"

"So then how come you two touched 'tummies' at your wedding and she doesn't still think your pregnant?" She asked somewhat confused.

"Morgan told her that you'll only get a baby if you touch 'tummies' with someone and you both really want to have a baby," I said, still silently thanking Morgan.

"Oh, well I guess that's good, dinners almost ready," She said smiling and going back to cooking.

"Sorry about that," I said as I turned to Bokuto.

"Oh, it's fine," He said smiling as he followed me to the table.

I wrote this well I was supposed to be doing my work
Also I don't know what it is with me and making moms in the stories I write somewhat crazy but it's happened twice so far, and probably will happen again
Anyways I hope you guys liked it
Word Count- 717

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