Extra~ Chapter 63

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(Y/N) POV~
"Bye Alice," Sumi's says with a smile and a wave as Alice gets out of the car and begins to walk up to her house. We had already dropped off Amida and Ringo, they were the two I wanted away from me the most.

"Okay Rin, Mai, you two are next," I say as we begin to drive to their house.

We drop Rin off first, and as soon as the car door closes behind him I hear Mai let out a small laugh.

"He really likes you Sumi," I hear her whisper to Sumi.

"Are you sure?" Sumi asks and I glance at her.

"Listen to Mai she is a very smart person," I say and Mai smiles at me.

"But Amida told me that Rin is in love with her and definitely doesn't like me," Sumi says and looks down at her hands.

"What I am about to say does not leave this car okay?" I say and the girls nod, "Amida is almost always wrong with whatever she says, and Sumi if I could choose I wouldn't have her hanging out with you, she's rude and only makes you feel insecure"

"I... I'm going to talk to Rin tomorrow, should I write him a note?" Sumi asks and I smile.

"Would you like some inspiration?" I ask with a smile on my face. Sumi tilts her head in confusion and Bokuto and I laugh slightly, "Nevermind"

"I can help you write the note, I'm good at writing," Mai says with a smile.

"That's a great idea Mai," I say with a nod, "Now are we dropping you off at your house or are you going to hangout with Sumi for a little bit longer?"

"Mai's coming over for a little bit," Sumi says and I give her a thumbs up.

~Time Skip~

"Kids are so much work sometimes," Bokuto says as he falls back onto the bed. Even though for the most part our time with Sumi and her friends was calm and relaxing there were times when it would get out of hand.

Like Ringo trying to fight a random old ladies small dog and Bokuto having to apologize to the lady. Or when Amida tried to slap Alice because 'she can't have the same coloured shirt as her.' Or how Alice almost fell in a hole that a dog dug up earlier. Or how Rin attempted to climb a tree to save a 'cat' which was actually a squirrel. Or how a random toddler slapped Amida in the face and I pretended that Amida didn't exist.

"So I'm guessing that means that you don't want kids," I say as I stand by the bed and look down at him.

"No!" He says as he quickly gets up from the bed, "I want a kid or kids, it's just that those ones were a lot of work"

"Yes yes, but let's not talk about kids just yet," I say with a smile, "I'm not quite ready for children of my own just yet"

"Are you sure?" Bokuto asks and I nod my head as I lay down on the bed, "Okay... but you know, I was thinking that maybe we should get another dog"

I think for a moment before looking at him, "Can we come back to this when I'm not completely exhausted?"

He nods his head and smiles as he lays down beside me and pulls me closer to him. I turn away from him and feel him bury his face into my neck. I take out my phone as I begin to scroll through it as Bokuto begins to fall asleep with his arms wrapped around me.

After about an hour I feel Bokuto push himself up slightly and rest his head on my shoulder looking at my phone with me. I'm currently going through my camera roll trying to free up a bit of storage on my phone.

"Kotaro, you know what Fanfiction is right?" I ask and he hums in response, "People write fanfiction about you, some of it can be fun to read when I'm bored"

"That's nice, like they write about how I could be friends with them if I knew them," He says.

"I guess," I say as I delete a photo that I must have accidentally taken of the wall.

"Well what else would they write?" He says and I smile, "Wait! If people write fanfiction about me, do they write fanfiction about you? Give me a moment!"

He falls off of the bed as he search's for his phone. I laugh as Nala begins to jump around him thinking that he's playing with her.

I watch as he looks at his phone from where he's sitting on the floor before throwing it onto the bed, "But... why... I'm already dating you... Do I not exist to them?"

"Kotaro, just take it as a sign that we're popular and that people like us... a lot," I say as I get off of the bed and sit beside him on the floor and begin to run my fingers through his hair.

"But... why not just write them about me and you?" He asks and I smile.

"We can't control what everyone does?" I say, "Anyways it gives me something to do when I'm bored"

Who would ever even think about writing fan fiction about Bokuto?? I couldn't even imagine that
Any who I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Thank for reading
Word Count~ 920

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