Extra~ Chapter 68

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(Y/N) POV~
"Kotaro, I can come if you want me to," I say looking up at him from where I'm sitting in bed, "Just let me get dressed first"

"No, you get to relax today," He says shaking his head, "You do so much everyday, you deserve a day off"

"Fine... Thank you," I say with a smile, "Just don't allow Sumi to jump out of the car on your way to drop her off"

"That was one time!" I heard Sumi yell from the living room, "The toddler had one of those large lollipops and I wanted it so I jumped!"

"I've got everything under control," Bokuto says leaning down and kissing my forehead, "I'll be back soon"

~Time Skip~

I've been laying in bed since Bokuto left, it's nice. Nala isn't being as loud and energetic as she usually is, and is laying down beside me.

I close my eyes as I pull the blankets up a bit more and move towards Nala since she is basically a space heater at times.

I feel something begin to walk on top of me. It's not Nala since she usually crushes a few of my ribs when she decides to walk on top of me, and she is laying beside me.

I open my eyes to be face to face with a small puppy. It licks my face and I can see Nala trying to get up to look at the puppy but she ends up falling off of the bed.

"Who are you?" I ask the small dog as I sit up and hold it in my hands.

I look for a tag on the collar and find a ring attached to it, "You have a very pretty ring on your collar"

I see Nala out of the corner of my eye jump on the bed but then slowly slip off and fall on the floor again. I laugh to myself before turning my attention back to the ring.

"(Y/N), I may have gotten us another dog," Bokuto says as he walks into the room, "His name is Bear and he's a Pit Bull puppy"

"Oh well hello Bear," I say as I pet the small dog but then stop, "Wait, the ring... Kotaro-"

"(Y/N)," Bokuto says as he takes Bear from my hands and gets down on one knee beside the bed, "I got butterflies the first time I saw you, even with Sumi screaming, and I still get butterflies when I see you everyday. You complete me, you make me feel loved and wanted, you are the most amazing person and I am so lucky that you chose me to be your boyfriend, so please choose me to be your husband as well"

He holds Bear up towards me with the ring on his collar showing.

"Yes!" I almost scream as I basically fall off of the bed and tackle him in a hug, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course I'll choose you Kotaro! I'll choose you every time!"

"You don't know how happy I am to know that," He said hugging me back, "You're going to be my wife!"

"And you're going to be my husband," I said with a smile. We laid on the floor together for a few minutes in silence until Bokuto broke that silence.

"Did I do good with the proposal?" He asks and I quickly nod my head.

"You did amazing!" I said and he smiles, "And Bear is adorable"

"Okay good, you're not mad that I adopted him right?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I was actually going to ask you about what dog breed we should get next"

"Okay good," Bokuto says with a soft smile as Nala runs over almost stepping on Bear before she lies down on top of us.

I'm sorry that this is a short chapter
I didn't really know how to end it but I hope you liked it none the less
BUT THEY ARE FINALLY GETTING MARRIED... and it only took how many chapters?
Any who thank you for reading this chapter
Word Count~ 687

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