Extra~ Chapter 26

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(Y/N) POV~
"Sumi come on, let's get you to school," I say as I open the front door.

"I can take her, anyways I just have work online to do," (C/N) says, putting his shoes on, "And if you want I can pick her up after school so she doesn't have to go to your practice and bother you"

"Okay, thanks," I say, "Sumi do you want to watch my practice or hangout with (C/N)?"

"I want to hangout with (C/N)!" She says smiling, as she runs out the door with (C/N) chasing after her.

I shake my head and close and lock the door as I start walking towards Asami's house. I meet up with her and we start walking to school.

"So has (C/N) come yet?" She asks.

"Yup, he's walking Sumi to school," I say as we walk to school.

"Well that's nice," She said, "Is Sumi trying to plan a wedding with him again?"

"No, I think she likes Akaashi now," I say, remembering how much Sumi loves Akaashi.

"Oh ya, Pretty Boy," Asami says with a small laugh.

We keep walking until we reach the school and we go to our lockers. I open mine to find a small note-

Kiss me if I'm wrong
But Dinosaurs still exists right?

I laugh slightly as I read it.

"Hey Hey Hey," I hear Bokuto say loudly as he came towards me and wrapped his arms around me from behind, "And what do you have there?"

I shake my letting out a small laugh. I turn my head and give him a small kiss.

"I do believe Dinosaurs are extinct," I say smiling at him as I grab what I need from my locker. I close my locker and he let's go of me.

"Oh Pretty Boy, Your here," Asami says seeing Akaashi, "You can not escape being pretty boy just because Sumi's not here, and next year when I'm gone, I'll make sure Kiko calls you it too"

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head at her. He probably has enough to deal with when Sumi's not here and now he has Asami taking Sumi's place for when she's not here.

~Time Skip~ Brought to you by me falling and hurting my wrist but still writing even though I shouldn't, YA
"So (C/N)'s picking up Sumi?" Aimi asks as we get ready for practice.

"Yup," I say, as the girls form a circle.

"Okay, girls we have a practice game coming up against another school team," I say, "It's going to be in two days"

They all nod their heads.

"Okay, lets start practicing, how about we do receives, maybe practice blocking, and then we'll play a short game," I say.

"Okay, everyone good with what the captain said?" Asami yells gluelike usual as she joins me in the middle, all the girls nod their heads, "Okay good"

We start practice and everything goes well, we had finished everything I wanted us to practice to we decide on playing a game.

Each team gets two third years, I'm with Aimi, well Asami is with Mika. Kiko goes onto Asami's team since if I wasn't here, she would be the Ace. Morgan's on our team and so on so fourth until the teams are even.

We start playing until the gym doors open, most of us were most likely expecting to hear a 'Hey Hey Hey' but it never came. I looked over at the gym door to see my cousin with Sumi, and to get hit in the face with a ball.

"Ow," I say as I rub my face.

"Oh (Y/N) I'm so so so sorry," Kiko says running under the net to come see what happened to my face.

"I'm fine," I say shaking my head.

"Well that is the end of the game," Asami said, "We have to get heading home"

It ended with my team winning which is what usually happens since none of the girls can really block my spike, except for Morgan who has the best chance, and has almost blocked it.

"It's not fair, who ever has (Y/N) wins and I'm always on the opposite team," Kiko says.

"That's because you have the most potential to be the next Ace," I say to Kiko, "The rest of you all have other things your great at, if you didn't you wouldn't be hear"

After I said that I felt arms wrap around my waist and I'm picked up off of the ground.

"Oh no," I say. (C/N) has picked me up and was swinging me back and fourth. Sumi was laughing with the rest of the girls, well I hit his arms trying to get him to put me down.

What I didn't know was that Bokuto had opened the gym door, ready to yell into the gym, but had stopped once he saw what was happening. He closed the door and left with Akaashi who was with him.

I didn't see him well I was being swung around by my cousin.

I hope you guys liked it
Thanks for reading
Word Count- 867

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