Extra~ Chapter 55

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(Y/N) POV~
"Kotaro I'm home!!" I say as I open the door. All of the lights are off and it seems like no one is home.

Akaashi is back at his and Asami's house, so he couldn't be out with him, did he go out with Kuroo?

I start to get ready to go to bed before sending him a quick text asking him where he was, before checking the door to make sure that it's locked and turning off all of the lights.

I open the bedroom door and see Nala laying on the bed with Bokuto, maybe I should have checked the bedroom. I quickly get changed before crawling into bed beside him.

"(Y/N)," he says as he pulls me closer to him, "You're finally home"

"Mhm, how was your time with Akaashi?" I asked snuggling up to him.

"It was good, how was your time with your friends?" he asked me before yawning.

"It was nice, I think Mika may be dating her neighbor, at least something is going on between the two of them," I say before yawning as well.

It's silent for a little bit and I thought that he may be just about to fall asleep when he begins to speak.

"Do you think that we could do it one day?" He asks and I'm confused for a moment before he continues, "You know get married, would you want to marry me?"

"Of course, I would love to marry you and get to say that I'm your wife," I say with a smile on my face, "But if you plan on proposing to me, do it after Asami and Akaashi get married"

"Okay, so no proposing at the wedding," he says and I let out a small laugh and he laughs with me.

"No proposing at the wedding, we don't want to take away from their wedding," I say still smiling.

"Got it," he stays silent for a moment, "What should we get them for a gift?"

"Hmm... good question," I say thinking more into it, "I don't know, what do you think we should get them?"

"No clue," He says, "We can think about it tomorrow"

I nod my head, "Goodnight Kotaro, I love you"

"I love you too (Y/N), good night"

I hear Nala whine near the end of the bed, "Goodnight Nala," we both say before I feel her stand up and walk towards us laying down in between us.

"Nala," I say trying to push her away from us towards the end of the bed.

"Nala please," Bokuto says trying to help me. She won't budge and once we do start to move her she stands up and try's to lay down on our heads.

"Nala! Nala no!!" I say as I push her away from my face.

"Nala go back to the end of the bed!" Bokuto says pushing her as well. Bokuto stops for a second and reaches over to the bedside table grabbing something and then waving it in Nala's face, "Nala get the treat!"

He throws it towards the other side of the room and I hear it hit the floor somewhere before she quickly jumps off of the bed and runs to get it.

Bokuto quickly wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him, "We win," he says, and I can tell he's smiling from the sound of his voice.

It went silent again and I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep before Bokuto started to talk again.

"I almost forgot to tell you, Kuroo moved into a new house and is having some sort of party, he invited us," he said as he drew small circles onto my back.

"Okay, we'll go then," I said closing my eyes again, "Goodnight"

Thanks for reading
Also thanks for the feedback on the last chapter
I now have plans for who both Mika and Aimi should date, well Mika more then Aimi...
Anyways I hope you all liked this chapter
Word Count~ 674

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