He was suddenly pounced on from behind by Taehyun. "Jungkookie! Come on! We need to get to our dormitory!" He proceeded to drag Jungkook up the stairs. "And then, you are going to tell us what in the world happened, and why you have not been expelled. Terry and I have been DYING with curiosity."

They reached their dormitory, and the knocker gave them their riddle. 

"I am the beginning of the end, but the end of every place, I am the beginning of eternity, yet I am the end of time and space."

Jungkook and Taehyun grinned at each other. This one was too easy!

"The letter "E"" they both chorused, and then grinned as the door opened to admit them. Inside, to Jungkook's surprise, many people were waiting.

Terry grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, Kookie, they all want to know what happened. So, will you tell us?"

Jungkook could only nod slowly, shocked that so many Ravenclaws cared about him.

Irene stood up. "Ok, seeing as how Jungkook seems a bit shell shocked, why don't I tell you guys what happened?"

"Noona! You knew what happened and you didn't tell me?" Taehyun whined to his sister.

"Shhhhh! Do you want to know or what?" There was silence. "I thought so. So... Jungkook is the youngest player in almost a century to join the Ravenclaw Quidditch team!"

"WHAT?" came the collective response.

"That's right!" And now Roger Davies stood up. "Flitwick has approved of him. You know how hard it is to get his approval..."

"Wow Kookie! And here I was, worried that you were going to get expelled for flying!" Taehyun said. "I mean, you WERE really good I suppose... Just that I couldn't really tell on account of me being scared you would fall and die. But that's great!"

Jungkook smiled happily.

"Welcome to the team, Jungkook." A fourth year Chaser, Kim Jisoo told him. "I just KNOW we're going to crush the others this year. Who's with me!"

"Yes!" shouted Jeremy Stretton, a Chaser. "Whoo!"

And all the Ravenclaws shouted and cheered, making Jungkook forget about how angry he was at Minguk. He was finally at home.


Jungkook awoke to the sound of hushed whispers. He sat up in bed.

"Kookie! You're awake! Look what you got! Oh come on! Get up, get up!"

Jungkook jumped out of bed a bit tiredly, landing neatly next to his two roommates. "What is it?" He rubbed his eyes blearily.

"Look, look, LOOK!" Terry shoved something under Jungkook's face.

"Wha-?" Jungkook's eyes widened. There, sitting in his lap was the most beautiful broomstick he had ever seen. It was shiny and sleek, and the lights from outside the window made it seem like it was shining.

"It came with this note!" Taehyun handed the piece of paper over.

Dear Jeon Jungkook. Seeing as how you are now part of the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team, you need a broomstick. I think you will find this particular one to your satisfaction. Do not worry, I have already talked it over with Professor Dumbledore. He says it's very peculiar this year. Every House has got a first year Seeker on the team! I know for a fact that Professor McGonnagal has gotten a broomstick for Harry Potter, and I am sure that the other Heads of House are doing the same. I believe that we can still win, however. Captain Davies would like to meet you today, after classes at the Quidditch Field. I hope that with your help, we can take the Quidditch Championship this year! Enjoy your broomstick! -Professor Flitwick

Jungkook smiled happily. He folded the piece of paper. "It's from Professor Flitwick!"

"WOW! Flitwick got a broomstick for you? That's amazing!"

Jungkook nodded. This was going to be amazing.


That afternoon, Jungkook followed Roger Davies out into the Quidditch field.

"All right!" Roger stopped. "What do you know about Quidditch?"

Jungkook told him. He had heard about Minguk's matches play by play, complete with the cheating and dirty tricks. So yes, he knew a lot about Quidditch.

Roger nodded every now and then. "Alright, let's see how you fly!"

Jungkook nodded and jumped onto his broomstick. If he had liked the time on the old school broomstick yesterday, now, with a brand new broomstick, soaring through the sky, he felt carefree, and completely happy, something he had never felt before in his life.

Roger whistled in amazement. "Ok, now I see why Flitwick was so excited. You're a natural Jungkook!"

Jungkook grinned in return, diving towards the ground, only to hover a few inches off the floor. "This is absolutely amazing!"

"Alright then, go get some rest! We start training tomorrow afternoon! We can do this!"

Jungkook nodded. "Let's get it!" (A/N: Let's get this bread!)


"Wait, so you're saying that your brother did this to me on PURPOSE?" Hobi was sitting next to Jungkook in the Great Hall. He had been released from the infirmary the day before, and now was eating ravenously, while Jungkook looked at him anxiously.

"Yes... he did. I'm so sorry Hobi!"

Hoseok nodded slowly. "Don't be sorry for something your brother did. It's not your fault." He continued to eat hungrily.

Jungkook stared. "But-you got hurt Hobi! Why aren't you bothered by that?"

Hoseok stopped eating for a moment, as if considering the question. "I mean... I AM bothered by it. Don't think that I'm not. It's just... I get the feeling that Minguk won't get in trouble even if I DO say something. He reminds me of a snake. And I hate snakeus." (A/N: Sorry, I could not resist the urge. Pretend that never happened.)

"But Hobi-"

"Jungkook, stop. Please don't make any trouble."

"Hobi! Minguk-"


Jungkook sighed. He really wanted to punch Minguk in the face. He looked over his shoulder at the Slytherin table, and there his brother was, sitting like he was king of the world. But deep down, Jungkook was glad that he didn't have to confront Minguk. Because deep down, he was still a scared little boy that wanted to hide in his little closet, playing and writing music, drawing, painting, learning, far away from all the hate that Minguk gave. Yes, he was a failure.

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