Point 11: Seirin VS. Seiho Part 3

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Tsugawa had changed his mark since Kuroko went him and he was going after him now.

But he doesn't stand a chance.

Tetsuya's gonna beat his butt.

Once the game started up again, I noticed that Tsugawa and Kuroko seemed to be arguing.

"What in the world do they have to talk about in the middle of a game?" I asked frustratedly.

More like, why is everyone so chatty with the opponents?

I leaned closer first and tried to listen in but all I heard was:

"If the upperclassmen have their will, then lowerclassmen have respect."

I made eye contact with Tetsuya, and I frowned at him.

He stared blankly back, as if saying "what did I do?"

And then Kuroko slipped past Tsugawa as Izuki passed the ball to him.

I smiled as Kuroko passed the ball to Hyuuga, who had slipped past the defense and did a lay up, scoring.

Seiho seems shocked that Hyuuga had managed to get past them.

The ball went to the other side of the court, in Seiho's possession, but when one of their players tried to make a pass, Hyuuga intercepted it and dribbled back to the other side.

He passed to Kuroko who passed to Mitobe. Mitobe then did a lay up and once again scored.

I noticed that Seirin seemed to be on pace with Seiho. "What did you find out about Seiho?" I asked.

Riko smiled evilly. "Some habits here and there."

"I see..." I said, smiling.

Mitobe then got the ball again and hook-shot, scoring again.

"Amazing," I suddenly heard.

I turned to look at Kagami as Riko punched him in the face. "What are you talking about? He's always like this."

"She's right," I agreed. "You never noticed before?"

He grumbled something to himself.

Kuroko passed to Hyuuga who ran with the ball until he got stuck before passing to Tsuchida, who shot and scored.

The score? 70-69.

We were winning by one point.

Although not for long.

Iwamura yelled loudly as he dunked easily over Hyuuga and Mitobe. "Do not underestimate a king!" he roared. "You need 10? 100? more years to best us!"

I pursed my lips as Riko gasped. "All court man to man?"

Izuki had the ball, and then Mitobe appeared behind Kasuga to block him. Izuki got past and passed to Kuroko.

I spotted Tsuchida on the other side and frowned as Tsugawa jumped into Kuroko's way.

When did he get there?!

"KUROKO!" Kagami shouted.

Kuroko's eyes widened and he passed over the ball with his left, missing it.

Oh yeah.

His right.

Well, that's why you have a team: to get you out of a pinch.

Kuroko passed the ball to Hyuuga with his right.

Hyuuga jumped up and shot a three-pointer, making the score 73-71.

We had won.

The crowd went wild, and Seirin went to go cheer for their teammates on the court.

I smiled with my right side before pumping my fist slightly by my side.

And then my phone buzzed.

I took it out, reluctantly and stared in shock at the message.

To: Ashikaga Sena
From: Murasakibara Atsushin
Subject: I want some more Hi- Chews~

Hey~ Sena-chin............. I finally found ur number again.......
What a pain~ I'm hungry~
Do u have Hi-chews???
Does Aka-chin know about u yet????
Congratzzzz on winning~

I'm going home~
Tell Kuro-chin I said hi~


I smirked. Oh. Whew. Just him. Although...

I tapped my chin in surprise. He actually went to go look for my number! What a surprise.

I typed in a reply.

To: Murasakibara Atsushin
From: Ashikaga Sena
Subject: Sorry, I don't....

Hey, Atsushin! srry I ate all the hi chews....
Um..... not yet?

Don't tell him plez.

Thx!! ill tell Tetsuya u said hi..


I took a deep breath as I sent it. I then saw Kuroko looking at me weird.

I shrugged. "What?"


"Atsushin wanted to say congrats and hi," I said.

Kuroko nodded. "I see."

"And Akashi-kun?"


Srry for the delay!

Here it is!

There is no song, there is a scene from the battle between Seirin and Seiho though!

I will explain again, because just in case some of you r confused

Sena adds an -n to the end of all the members of the Generation of Miracles' first names, except for Kuroko and Akashi.

I will only use the "-n" version if Sena is directly talking to them.

This is based off of the anime, so if there's any mistakes, I'm sorry!!!!!!

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