Point 19: Nerf Guns and Laughing

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"Senacchi! We've come to visit you!"

I looked up from my book and frowned. "You guys, why are you here?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"We heard you slept with Akashi-kun," Kuroko said casually, sitting down in a seat.

I choked on air and pounded my chest, coughing as I tried to breathe normally again. When I could finally talk, my cheeks were flushed. "T-Tetsuya! Why would you say that?!"

"But it's true, is it not?" Midorima asked. He placed a bunch of random photos on the table next to the bed. "Here's your lucky item: photos."

I glared at him. "Why would I need my lucky item?"

He shrugged. "Just in case."

Akashi sighed. "Hey, Sena, I'm really annoyed right now. How about you?"

"I permit you to kill them all," I said, grinning evilly.

"What?!" Kise asked, his eyes wide. He ran to go hide behind Aomine. "Aominecchi, help me~!" he screamed.

"We're all going to die!" They all screamed.

I laughed. "Oh, wait, Akashi, don't kill them with your scissors. That'll get blood everywhere. Use a knife instead."

"But they're technically the same thing."

"True..." I thought about it. "Ooh, how about a gun?"

Akashi frowned as he took out his scissors and polished the blades. "I don't carry my gun around with me everywhere I go, Sena."

"I do!" I dug around in my bag under the hospital bed and brought out a Glock. "Here, Akashi Seijuro, you can use this."

The other Generation of Miracles, all of them except Kuroko and Murasakibara, screamed and ran around the hospital room, shrieking with fear and saying, "CALL 911! We're going to get murdered!"

Akashi and I winked at each other. Of course, my "Glock" was just a fake gun that used Nerf bullets or whatever they called the stuff they used for Nerf guns. I made it myself. I'm good, right? I'm amazing, right? I'm great, right? Akashi then got up and started chasing them around, cocking the gun and making gunshots.

I laughed until my stomach hurt like H.E. double hockey sticks and tears began to stream out of my eyes. "You guys are so hilarious!"

Kuroko frowned at me. "What is so amusing about a bunch of immature people running around, screaming their heads off?"

I stared at him. "Are you serious right now, Tetsuya?"

"...I suppose? I do not find anything amusing about this situation."

Murasakibara shook his head. "Kuro-chin, this is a funny situation. Laugh~"

"Ha ha ha," he said, still impassive.

Murasakibara and I both sighed as Akashi shot Kise in the head with a Nerf bullet. "Kuro-chin/Tetsuya, you need to learn how to laugh."


Sorry it's short. Again, busy with volleyball tryouts and writers block do not go together.



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