Chapter 21

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The next day YN packed up her things and was waiting for Jungkook to pick her up. When the doorbell rang, she opened the door but the man standing in front of her, wasn't Jungkook. Before she could ask anything, the man clutched her face with a piece of clothe and she fell unconscious.

The man picked her up on his shoulder and started walking through the corridor. But suddenly Seulgi came out of her apartment and they both made eye contact. At first Seulgi was startled but then realization hit her like a truck. The man was carrying none other than YN!

Seulgi attacked the man but before she could hit him, another person came from behind her. He kicked Seulgi on her back and she stumbled on the floor. Seulgi got up and fought the man with all her might. She was about to win when suddenly the first guy clutched her face with something and she also fell unconscious.

Meanwhile, Hana was planning to pay a visit to YN. Hana firmly believed that it was all YN's fault that she lost Jungkook. So she wanted to give YN a piece of her mind. But the event that she saw when she reached YN's apartment, blew her mind.

Two men carried two unconscious females and then put them inside a car and drove off. She was sure that one of them was YN so she followed the car. Well, don't think that she was trying to save them. She only wanted to know what was going to happen to YN.

However, Jungkook arrived at YN's apartment after a while. But when he knocked, the door opened on it's own and there was no one inside. Feeling restless, he went to Seulgi's apartment but she wasn't there either. Jungkook was about to lose his patience when he received a text message from an unknown number.

'We've got the girls. If you want them alive then come to this location. *address*'

Jungkook was thunderstruck for a moment. It felt like life was being drained from his body. But soon he managed to gain his strength back and without wasting a moment, Jungkook ran to his car while calling Namjoon.

"They've got both YN and Seulgi. They've sent me a message with their location and it's that same mansion."

"Wait! Why did they message you?"

"Hyung, I've already been exposed. They were following YN all this time and I've no idea how much they know about us."

"You do know that it's a trap for us! They planned all of this so that they could kill us all at once."

"I know but we've to save them, hyung. I-I... don't want to lose her and my...... my unborn child!"

"Let's make a plan first!"

When the kidnappers drove their car inside the mansion, Hana stopped her car a little bit far from the entrance. She was still confused about what was happening and why they kidnapped those girls!

She waited for a while in her car and kept on hesitating if she should call the police or not. Should she let Jungkook know? Well the thought of him ignited the fire of revenge inside her and she decided to let YN suffer. She smirked hoping that the kidnappers would kill her and she would get Jungkook back sooner or later.

Finally coming into a decision, Hana turned on the engine and drove back. But within a minute of her departure, she saw another car coming from the opposite direction, which went inside the woods all of a sudden and four masked men came out of it.

Hana pulled the break really hard and stopped to have a closer look of those men. To her horror, she realized that one of them was Jungkook and the other two looked like the Kim brothers. The fourth guy who was a bit shorter, she couldn't recognize him.

The four men ran towards the mansion and Hana decided to follow them. But the moment she got out of her car, they were already gone. Seeing no other options, she waited there and walked back and forth out of frustration.

It's been about twenty minutes and Hana was becoming restless. Then suddenly she heard a few gunshots, coming from inside that mansion. The sounds gave her chills, running down her spine.

She was scared and wanted to run away but the curiosity got the best of her. Instead of driving away, she turned her car towards the mansion and when she reached almost near, two female figure came out running, through the gate.

Those two females were none other than YN and Seulgi. Seeing YN alive, Hana felt like running her over with her car. She was lost contemplating YN's murder when suddenly another gunshot was heard and Seulgi fell on the ground.

Now Hana was really shocked out of her wits. She thought that the other girl was dead and soon another shot will be fired at YN and she'll die too. But nothing of that sort happened. Instead YN helped the other girl stand up and they both ran out of the danger zone.

'Ah it was a nice opportunity for you to die YN. How come you're so Lucky!' Hana thought and drove right near them.

"Get in!" Hana said as she opened her car door.

Seulgi was hurt so she didn't think further and hopped on the car, followed by YN and Hana started the car.

"Why are you here and why are you helping us?" Seulgi asked while clutching the gunshot wound on her shoulder.

"I saw you guys getting kidnapped so I followed the car. I'm not a bad person you know, I wanted to save you two. Oops, I mean three including that little human inside YN," Hana said with a smile but YN felt a little weird about her behavior.

"You could've called the police. Why didn't you?" Seulgi asked again.

"Umm..... Oh look there, the police! I called them you see! Now drink this water."

While driving away from the mansion, a few police cars passed them. Actually it was agent Shooky (Yoongi) with his police force. It was Namjoon's plan that once they've rescued YN and Seulgi, Yoongi would come with the police force. This way they'd manage to capture all the gangsters red handed. But Hana just took the opportunity and lied to Seulgi about calling the police.

YN and Seulgi both were exhausted so they drank the water Hana gave to them. But within a few minutes they both fell unconscious.

"Boss, they got away and also arrested most of our men. Only a few of us managed to get away!"

"What? How did this happen? You morons couldn't even handle a few of them! Do I have to do everything? You couldn't even find the girl's location if it wasn't for me!!!"

"Boss, they brought in a huge police force that's why we failed. I'm sure that they're working together."

"Whatever! Now make sure that my name doesn't get out. I already have a plan to get to them. All we have to do is wait for a while."


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