Chapter 20

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While reading the article, a tear drop unknowingly came out of YN's eye. She was shocked and heart broken at the same time. Never in her wildest dreams she ever imagined that she would be represented as a characterless woman.

"Oh my God! Is she really pregnant?"

"I wonder whose child she's carrying!"

"Now I'm feeling disgusted that we work in the same office, what a slut!"

"Imagine how Miss Han is feeling! She must be devastated!"

"Wasn't one rich man enough that she was aiming for multiple? Are those men blind?"

Hearing the harsh comments coming from her colleagues, she felt like burying herself in the ground. How quick people were to judge her, based on a baseless article! She couldn't take it anymore and decided to leave.

She was halfway to the door when suddenly the door flew open, revealing a confused looking Jungkook. Seeing YN in front of him, he was startled at first. But when he saw her teary eyes he felt a sudden pang of sadness in his heart.

"YN.........!" he decided to speak but she didn't listen. She tried to walk out of the room when he grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Please....... don't make it more complicated than it already is!" YN mumbled in between her sobs.

Then he realized what she meant. Everyone was now looking at them with curiosity in their eyes. Jungkook didn't waste a moment and dragged her towards Miss Song's private office.

"LEAVE!" Jungkook ordered Miss Song who was peacefully working at her desk.

"S-sir..... Is something wro....!" Miss Song asked, being confused.

"I SAID LEAVE!" This time Jungkook shouted at her and she ran out of the office in a hurry. Other employees who were watching curiously also got startled at his sudden outburst.

After Miss Song left, Jungkook closed the door from inside and also closed the shutters so that no one could see them from outside.

"What are you doing?" YN asked, being confused at his behavior.

"YN, is it true? Are you really pregnant?"

"Why do you care?" YN spat.

"Cause if you're pregnant then I'm sure it's mine. We didn't use......."

"Does it matter if it's your child or not? Cause you're not gonna take responsibility anyways!" YN cut in before Jungkook could finish his sentence.

"Is that what you think of me?" Jungkook asked and hurt was evident in his voice.

"You said it clearly to your father. A marriage is a huge responsibility to you then I'm sure you won't like to take the responsibility of being a father. I won't burden you with this child, so don't worry," YN said as she wiped her tears.

"You're getting me wrong. These are completely different situations. Let me just........"

YN didn't wait to hear his explanation and walked out of the room. Getting out of the room she paused for a moment, seeing all the eyes on her. Then getting her conscience back, she ran out in a hurry. Sara picked both her and YN's bags and followed YN.

"Is that why you called off the wedding with Hana? Because of that gold digging whore?" Jungkook's father shouted. After he heard the news, he immediately called Jungkook to their family house.

"No, she's not the reason. I didn't even know that she was pregnant with my child!" Jungkook replied, trying hard to keep his calm.

"What? Your child? Is that what she told you? She's a gold digger for God's sake. How can you believe her, you naive kid!" Mr Jeon shouted again.

"She's neither a gold digger nor a whore. She's just a normal girl who got stuck in this mess all because of me. That article is nothing but a distortion of the truth!" This time Jungkook shouted, losing his patience.

"Are you sure it's your child?" Jungkook's mother asked.

Jungkook nodded and Mr Jeon gave her a confused look.

"I would like to meet her. After all she's carrying our grandchild. No matter what happens, I want my grandchild," Mrs Jeon replied.

After Jungkook was done with his parents, he tried to call YN many times but she didn't pick up. However, at night Seulgi called Jungkook.

"Jungkook, I looked into the matter and you were right. I captured the guy who took those photos and guess what, it was Hana who hired him!"

"I'm not surprised anymore. She played really dirty this time. you know how is YN doing?"

"After she went into her apartment, she didn't come out. So I don't know. But Jungkook there's something more important. There's someone else who is stalking her. I failed to catch him."

"I think The Vipers knew about her whereabouts all this time and they kept an eye on her to get to us. There's no doubt that they already know about me, that I'm one of the spies!"

Hanging up the call, Jungkook drove to YN'S apartment. When she opened the door, he saw her eyes swollen and cheeks stained with dried tears.

"What're you doing here?" YN asked.

"You can't stay here. You are being followed and they may harm you anytime soon. Come with me," Jungkook explained.

"I'm not going anywhere. I need to sleep so please go away!" YN said and tried to slam the door on him but he managed to stop her.

"YN try to understand. At least think about........ our child!" Jungkook pleaded and then looked at her with his large doe eyes. The mention of the child made YN rethink her decision and she just stood there silently.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow, so be ready," Jungkook said and then turned to walk away.

However he paused on his steps and hugged YN all of a sudden. Engulfing her in his long arms, he left a chaste kiss on the side of her head and walked away in a hurry. YN's cheeks turned red as she didn't expect this sweet gesture from him.

"Boss, I think they've found out that we are following her. They're planning to move her."

"She is carrying his child so I bet he'd do anything to save her. Kidnap her as soon as possible. She'll lure all of them right in our den. Let's see how they get away this time!"

"I'm on it boss."

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