Chapter 17

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Jungkook kept leaning on further and the moment their lips touched, they both bolted away from each other as if they were shocked by electricity. Finally realizing what he had just done, Jungkook looked at YN with widened eyes.

Many of the guests including Mr Wang, Miss Han and the Kims were now staring at them with surprise in their eyes. And when a few of her colleagues started whispering, YN felt very embarrassed and ran out of the dance floor, followed by a shook Jungkook.

Kim Taehyung felt the second hand embarrassment. So he suddenly grabbed Miss Han's hands and started dancing in a funny manner to divert people's attention towards him. He succeeded in doing so and soon people's whispers turned into blissful laughter.

Meanwhile, Jungkook ran behind YN and when she was about to enter the ladies room, he grabbed her hands from behind.

"YN let me explain! I don't know why I did that, I'm really sorry. It was a mistake!" Jungkook explained.

"You do a lot of mistakes, Mr Jeon. I was kidnapped by mistake, stabbed by mistake, we together did the big mistake and now you kissed me by mistake!" YN retorted with a soft chuckle and he could sense the hurt in her voice.

"YN........!" Jungkook tried to say.

"Your life is a total mess Jungkook, so please don't drag me into it. And even if you do, at least don't label everything as a mistake. Who knows, one day you may kill me by mistake!" YN spat and yanking her arm from his grip, she walked away.

In front of him she tried to hold back her tears but the moment she entered the washroom, she totally broke down and cried her heart out.

"Kissing a girl in the middle of a business function, in front of a lot of people and then telling her it was a mistake, it's definitely not a good choice of word Jeon," Namjoon remarked as he walked closer to the flustered Jungkook.

"But hyung, it really was a mistake. I really have no idea why I did that!" Jungkook tried to explain.

"Believe me kid, it wasn't a mistake. It'd be better if you sort out your feelings first. Don't make the poor girl confused with your inconsiderate behavior," Namjoon advised and then walked away, leaving the confused maknae to repent.

After the function, the next two days YN had to face some difficulties in her office. People stared unnecessarily at her, whispered while she walked through the lobby or in the elevator. Even some young female employees asked her personal and embarrassing questions directly.

YN endured all these hostile behavior thinking that, their curiosity would die down soon. But two days later something else happened, that made her the center of gossip again.

Jackson Wang came to Jeon Corp regarding work purpose. But before leaving, he remembered something and went to the receptionist.

"Excuse me, I'd like to enquire about an employee..... umm...," he said and then realized that he didn't know her name.

"Let me guess, you're looking for YN right? I can take you to her," Miss Han said all of a sudden, coming out of nowhere.

"Oh so her name's YN! Beautiful name, just like her. But she's already taken by Jeon Jungkook. What a shame!" Mr Wang said trying to act as if he were hurt.

"No she's not. I'm Jungkook's fiancee so you don't need to worry about him. Just focus on the girl," Miss Han said with a smirk.

YN was working peacefully just like everyone else, when suddenly there was a commotion. Everyone stood up from their seats and YN also did the same.

"No need to focus on me everyone, please do your work. I'm just here to visit someone," Jackson Wang said with a wide smile.

Scanning the room with his eyes, he finally found YN and walked near her. He leaned on her desk and acted as if he were her close friend or boyfriend. Although others were now sitting on their seats, their eyes never left Jackson Wang. They were curiously watching his every moves.

"Last time I didn't get the chance to introduce myself. I'm Jackson Wang, CEO of Wang Corporation!" He said and then extended his hands for a handshake.

"Um... I'm aware of that sir. I'm YN," YN replied hesitantly and shook his hand. Confusion was written all over her face because she was wondering why was he introducing himself to her, out of all people!

"You can call me Jackson. I'd really like to know more about you so let's have a dinner with me. I'll pick you up after work!" He said with such a gleeful smile that no one could resist him.

YN just stood there with widened eyes, not knowing what exactly was happening. Some of the male employees cheered in excitement while some female ones gasped in jealousy. Sara's desk was right next to YN's. So seeing YN spacing out, Sara gave her a nudge.

"What? But s-sir.....!" YN tried to protest.

But before she could complete her sentence, Jackson left the office. Before exiting the door, he turned back and winked at the other females with a mischievous grin.

"Omo! Did you see that wink!"

"He's such a flirt but still so hot. YN-ssi you're so lucky!"

"First our president and now Mr Wang. You sure do know some magic YN-ssi. Why don't you teach us a little bit!" *laughs*

And just like that under the cover of having fun, they mocked YN. The office would have been in complete chaos if Miss Song didn't come and yelled at them.

However, when YN was finished with her work, she left the building. As soon as she came out of the main door, a car stopped in front of her and Jackson came out. He gestured her to get in very politely.

YN was about to refuse the offer when suddenly Jungkook came out of the building. Their eyes met for a brief moment and she felt a sharp pinching pain in her heart. She wanted to get Jungkook out of her system and that's what made her get into Mr Wang's car.

Only if she knew what she was getting herself into!

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