Chapter 14

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After they were done, they picked up their half dried clothes and got dressed. They had to wait for the rain to stop and while waiting, no one dared to talk or look at each other. They were busy in their own thoughts, questioning themselves what they had just done!

After about half an hour, which felt like an eternity to them, the rain finally stopped. Jungkook came back to the balcony without saying anything and YN followed him. Jungkook was about to slide down the pipe but stopped, thinking about YN.

He turned back to look at YN with a questioning look. But YN was too embarrassed to get on his back, so she just grabbed the pipe and slid down to the ground. If she could, she would dig a whole in the ground and bury herself.

However, Jungkook managed to get back to his car and they both got in. Throughout the whole ride, they were silent. But YN was dying to ask a question for quite a while, so she spoke up.

"Where are you taking me? My house is the other way," YN asked being nervous.

"You can't go back there, it's not safe. They know your face. Let me talk to my group members first," Jungkook replied while looking at the road in front.

"Now that they know my face, do I have to live my whole life hiding?" YN asked, raising her voice a lil bit.

"Not your whole life, just till we destroy that group completely. Till then you've to be careful," Jungkook replied.

It was almost sundown and soon it became dark. Jungkook took YN to his apartment and gave her a separate room and few of his clothes to change into.

"Don't come out of this room until I tell you to," Jungkook said and then went downstairs to his living room.

He had already called his group leader and waiting for his arrival. Soon his doorbell rang and he opened the door to reveal Namjoon, Yoongi and Seulgi.

"I'm very disappointed in you Jeon, you've got some explaining to do," Namjoon said while entering and taking a seat on the couch.

"What do you mean, hyung! I haven't told you anything yet!" Jungkook asked with a confused expression.

"Do you think Taehyung can keep secrets! He already told me everything. How can you two be careless and show your face to her? Is that how we trained you?" Namjoon spat.

"I'm sorry hyung," Jungkook apologized with his head hung low.

"Now come to the point, kook. Why did you call us here?" Seulgi asked.

"I don't know what to do with her. The Viper gang knows her identity so it's not safe for her to go back to her house. Now give me a solution," Jungkook asked.

"She needs to change her house and also tell her to wear mask whenever she gets out. This Viper gang is quite big and I've no idea how long it's gonna take us to track them down," Namjoon replied with a sigh.

"The apartment in front of mine is vacant for quite a while. Let's move her there and I can also keep an eye on her," Seulgi suggested.

"Tomorrow's the weekend so it's the perfect time for her to move in. Just brief her about everything, we'll take care of the rest," Namjoon assured.

"Where's she now by the way?" Yoongi asked, who was quiet all this time.

"Upstairs. Don't worry, she won't come down," Jungkook replied.

"Are those hickeys on your neck, Kook? Wait.... Don't tell me you and that girl......." Seulgi asked all of a sudden.

"Give the kid some space, Seulgi. They are adults and they can do whatever they want. Let's just go," Yoongi retorted and exited the apartment with a smirk.

Namjoon was mad at Jungkook but seeing the maknae's flustered face, he also chuckled and left the apartment.

"When can I leave?" YN asked standing up, as soon as Jungkook stepped into her room.

"We've selected a new apartment for you. They'll move your things tomorrow and once everything's done, you can go back."

"They're gonna move my things? Are you kidding me? I can't just sit here and wait, let me go," YN protested.

"YN!! Just do what I say and everything will be okay. You don't need to worry about anything."

It took a lot of explaining and bickering to finally convince YN. When everything got settled between them, YN called her mom and Sara through a spare phone of Jungkook's. And just like that, the night passed.

The next day was the weekend and so they didn't need to go to the office. Jungkook with the help of Namjoon and Seulgi, made arrangements for YN and he finally came back to his apartment in the afternoon.

Finally YN could go back to her own house and everything's gonna be normal. Well that's what they thought.

Jungkook was explaining things to YN while sitting in the living room when the doorbell rang. Without thinking much he opened the door and in came a smiling Miss Hana Han. But the moment she entered, her smile dropped in a second seeing a particular figure sitting on the couch, wearing Jungkook's clothes.

All the three human figures now had an unreadable expression on their faces.

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