Chapter 1

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~YN's P.O.V~

All I could see was an ocean of darkness as they put a black sac over my head and also taped my mouth, making me unable to scream also. My hands were tied behind my back and there was nothing I could do to save myself.

Finally the car stopped, making me jolt forward and hit my head on the back of the car seats in front of me. The guys who kidnapped me, didn't waste a second and dragged me out of the car and took me somewhere. As I couldn't see anything I didn't know where they were taking me.

Then after getting dragged for a few minutes I heard the sound of a door creaking. I was taken inside a room maybe and then one of them pushed me violently and I landed on a chair.

I didn't get the chance to collect myself properly when suddenly the black sac over my head flew off, revealing a guy sitting right in front of me. I blinked a couple of times and then he peeled the tape off my mouth in one go, making me flinch in pain.

The lower half of his face was covered with a black mask and I could only see the eyes on his face, which were quite big like a deer. I moved my trembling eyes in order to scan my surroundings only to find out a few other men standing there and they were also wearing a mask just like the guy sitting in front of me.

All of them looked quite neat to be called gangsters. They were neatly dressed like the spies in movies and I could smell the sweet manly fragrance coming out of the man who was sitting in front of me. I used to think that gangsters only smell of cigarettes and gunpowder though I never met one in my life before.

My train of thoughts got interrupted when the man growled at me, making me come back to reality.

"Where did your men take our member?"

"What?" I asked being confused.

"I asked WHERE DID YOUR MEN TAKE OUR MEMBER?" This time he yelled in a high pitched voice, making me flinch.

"I-I.......don't know what you're talking about!" I managed to say with a shaky voice.

Looked like he didn't like my reply because he stood up from his seat and hovered over me and put his hands on both the handles of the chair that I was sitting on.

"Now I'm going to count to five and if you don't tell me our guy's location......well... you can't even imagine what we will do to you!" He spat, glaring at me. If only glares could kill, I'd be dead by now!

"Look, I think you have some misunderstandings. I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't even know you guys. Please let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone about this!" I pleaded.

Before he could say anything, the door flew open revealing a female figure and by the state of her I could tell that she was fuming with anger. Well she was wearing a mask too.

"Where is she? You bitch....!" She shouted and ran towards me.

"Let me talk to her first! Don't get so worked up!" The guy who was standing in front of me, blocked her way.

"Are you kidding me right now? I can't just stand here and wait for him to die there. Who knows what they're doing to him right now!" The girl shouted at him.

To be honest she looked more scary than the guy who was questioning me. Maybe the member they were looking for was her boyfriend or brother or something special.

To my horror, the guy moved out of the way accepting defeat and my eyes fell on her red eyes.

"Well well, so tell me where did your men take him? What are you guys planning to do? And don't worry, I won't kill you, I'll torture you to the extent that you wished you had died!" She spat coming closer to my face and then grabbed my hair tightly.

"Please...... I'm telling the truth. I don't know anyt...."

Before I could finish my sentence, she grabbed my throat and pulled me up. As my hands were tied up, I couldn't even try to remove her hands from my throat. Now I could feel my chest tensing up due to lack of air.

"Don't try to act smart, just tell us the location," she muttered while tightening her grip.

"Let go of her neck, her face is getting red!" The guy from earlier suggested but she didn't budge.

"TELL ME WHERE IS HE?" She asked again and pushed me back on the chair, releasing her grip on my neck.

"Ple-ase..... believe *argh* ... me... I'm... *argh* ... telling the truth," I pleaded though I wasn't in a state to talk properly.

This time she lost her patience and then grabbing my arm tightly, she dragged me to another room.

"Where are you taking her?" The other guys asked her but she didn't reply and closed the door, leaving them outside. She pushed me violently which made me stumble on the hard floor.

"Now I'm gonna make you talk, just wait and watch." She threatened me and took out a small knife.

"W-what are you gonna do with that?" I asked getting scared.

She didn't answer my question rather came towards me and stabbed me in my arm all of a sudden.

"Aaaarrghhh," I screamed with all my might.

"Now how you like that! You want more?" She asked while taking out the knife that pierced through my muscle.

"Aaaaarrgggh," I screamed once again.

"Seulgi just stop right now! You can't kill her, we need her alive!" The men outside shouted and banged on the door loudly.

But she was a monster. She kept hitting me and asked me the same question again and again. When she didn't get a reply from me she grabbed my neck once again.

Now tears started streaming down my face ceaselessly but she didn't show any mercy. It felt like I'd faint any moment soon. My vision became blurry and at that moment someone broke the door open.

"Seulgi stop, we got the wrong person! He just sent us a message and he has managed to escape............."

It was the last thing I could hear before I fainted.


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