The big doors of the elevator soon opened once it had arrived at Taehyung's floor and the brown haired boy quickly got in, surprised at how nobody questioned him going inside such a luxurious hotel without even having booked a room there . Slowly the big flowery doors closed again and the brown haired boy pressed the button for the fourth floor.

The person he was meeting had said he had important information, and Taehyung was determined to get any information he could get his hands on. Slowly a nervous feeling started to form in the boy's chest, this person could be of great value to Jungkook's case and a hopefull feeling started to overtake the nervousness.

Soon the big white doors of the elevator opened again once the familiar ding of the elevator had sounded. Taehyung quickly got out of the elevator and walked into a long hallway. The hallway was decorated with orange colored walls and a peach colored carpets. The walls were decorated with expensive looking paintings and big mirrors. Taehyung slowly started to look around and immediately saw a white door with the number 408 written on it in black.

Quickly Taehyung went into the left direction of the hallway and soon found himself walking past numerous other hotel rooms until he had reached the one he was looking for. Happiness immediately filled the brown haired boy's chest once he reached the white colored door with 414 written on it in black.

Slowly the young lawyer raised his arm and softly knocked on the door of the room. After knocking Taehyung slowly lowered his arm again and decided to wait patiently in front of the door. He nervously grabbed the handle of the bag he was holding a bit tighter once he heard footsteps from the other side of the door.

Soon the footsteps on the other side of the door became louder and louder, until the point where they stopped right in front of the young lawyer. Only a white door was separating Taehyung and the mystery person/possible killer now and the brown haired boy couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

Soon the white door slowly opened a bit, only to reveal the face of a pretty boy around Taehyung's age. The boy had brown hair, just like the young lawyer himself and rosy colored lips. The boy was a bit smaller than Taehyung himself and wore a friendly smile on his face. The stranger was wearing a black shirt which was tucked inside his blue skinny jeans. Overall Taehyung thought the boy looked really nice and softly released a breath the young lawyer didn't know he was holding. At least the boy wasn't a killer or something.

Slowly the boy looked up and made eye contact with Taehyung. The boy was clearly very pretty, yet he gave of a cute vibe. Taehyung slowly smiled at the boy in front of him and bowed a little. "Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung, Mr Jeon's lawyer." The brown haired boy said and a smile quickly started to form on the other boy's face.

"I know, I'm BamBam, please come in, I've been waiting for you!" The boy Taehyung now knew as BamBam said while smiling at the young lawyer. The boy quickly turned around and gestured for the other brown haired boy to follow him inside the hotel room. Taehyung smiled a little as he slowly felt the nervousness from before disappear. The young lawyer slowly tightened his grip on the handle of his bag and followed BamBam inside.

Once Taehyung stepped inside the hotelroom he was surprised at how big it actually was. Never in a million years had the young lawyer seen a hotelroom with a complete kitchen in it. The hotel room looked like a small apartment in the brown haired boy's eyes. As Taehyung slowly looked around he softly heard the other boy in the room laugh. Taehyung felt his cheeks become a bit red once he realized he must have looked weird while he was staring at the room he was in now.

"So I supposed you want to know why I made you come meet me huh?" Bambam said before sitting down on a big blue chair. The boy made a gesture for Taehyung to sit down on the indentical chair next to him and the young lawyer quickly made his way to him. Now was not the time to look at the room he was in right now. He was here for his case, nothing else.

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