Forcing Things

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It was almost two by the time Scott had everything sorted. Staying away was agonizing, but he'd made very sure to be through in his preparations. Ryan's apartment had taken the longest, Scott had hoped to avoid the hassle of the building's safety protocol coming in to effect since there was no way Ryan would be going home within three days. They couldn't take his word on the matter, and instead insisted on an official fax from the hospital. So, Scott had to call the hospital, wait for them to find the paperwork, wait for the fax... The whole thing took way much more time than it needed to.

They wouldn't let him in to Ryan's unit to collect anything, either. Not without Ryan present. Nevermind that he was Ryan's fiance and before all this happened they were literally planning to become mates! It was so frustrating! One more thing to add to the list for the lawyer to take care of...

Come to think of it, was there even anything in Ryan's apartment he could use right now? It's not like he could wear clothes at the moment...

Nevermind that! Everything was finally squared away, he just had to get back to that hospital room! He'd also gone to the jeweler's in the mall to drop off Ryan's engagement ring, so in addition to the backpack he stuffed all his essentials in, he returned bearing gifts. A bouquet of mylar balloons bumped noisily against each other behind him, and a plush bear was tucked under his arm. It was time to hide all trace of stress and worry from his face. Time to be the alpha.

"I'm back!" Scott announced cheerfully upon seeing that Ryan was awake and upright. He pulled the balloons into the room behind him. It was easy to see Ryan's drugged eyes sparkle all the way from the door. Both his parents were in the room as well. "Did someone else send flowers?"

Scott indicated the second floral arrangement in the room, sitting next to the one his parents had brought that morning.

"They're from your work," his father supplied helpfully, taking the bouquet of balloons from him and setting them up in the corner.

"I'm surprised they got something organized so fast!" Scott dropped his backpack on the floor and gave his Mom a quick kiss on the cheek in greeting. It was time to pay all his attention to the person who needed it most.

"Did you miss me, Hot Stuff?" Scott perched on the side of the bed, loosely hugging the teddy bear.

"Of course I did, but I knew you'd be back, your parents are so nice to stay and keep me company, they're the coolest, I love your whole family, even your sister who's way better at video games than I'll ever be, why do you have a stuffed animal...?"

"I got him for you." Scott held the toy out for Ryan to examine before tucking it into bed with him. "As a 'get well' gift, to show you how much I love you."

"Aww.... I love you too! You're so sweet, even though I'm such a hassle to put up with, I'm so lucky you decided to stick around, you're just so awesome and sexy..."

"Hey now, you don't get to decide if you're being a hassle or not!" Scott was very gentle in his brandishing.

As Scott doted, his mom filled him in on the happenings while he was gone. The biggest thing was that Ryan had told every nurse that came to check on him how much he loved his fiance and how great his fiance was. She thought it was cute. She tactfully left out the part about Ryan telling both her and her husband about the more intimate details of his and Scott's relationship. Her son didn't need that kind of embarrassment right now.

Ryan defended himself by saying he "didn't want them to think Cuddle Bug was the reason he was in the hospital."

THAT caught Scott's attention. "Why?"

Ryan's answer was very detached, almost like he was describing something that happened to someone else. "Because last time I was in the hospital it was because my boyfriend murdered somebody and when the cops raided his place they found me chained to the bed."

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