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"Alright Hot Stuff, you ready for this?" Scott asked.

Ryan sighed nervously. "About as ready as I'll ever be..."

They were in the driveway of Scott's parent's house, which had very helpfully been left clear just for them. Parked cars lined both sides of the street around them. Both Scott and Ryan were in matching and decidedly hideous holiday sweaters, with Ryan's being several sizes too big to make it easier to get on and off. It was a bitterly cold, clear, and bright Christmas Eve day, and the guest of honor had just rolled up to the annual Kranston Christmas Party and been unloaded.

"Cuddle Bug, what if the rest of your family doesn't like me?" Ryan got more nervous as he was pushed closer to the door.

"Impossible! They're related to me, so they're bound to love you!"

Ryan did his best to believe him. He really did, but he couldn't help fiddling with the ring around his neck anyway. They must have had a lookout posted for them, because as soon as the door came into view an entire little group of children Ryan hadn't seen before suddenly scattered, replaced quickly by Howard who came to hold the door open for them.

"Ah! There you boys are!" Howard called cheerfully. "Merry Christmas!"

Scott got Ryan into the warm house before turning to give his dad a hug. "Merry Christmas, dad!"

Ryan couldn't help but feel very out of place in this veritable sea of strangers. He stood out like a sore thumb in his clunky wheelchair, and all these people, though friendly looking, towered over him in their curiosity from various places in the main room.

"Uncle Scott! Uncle Scott! Uncle Scott!!!"

Suddenly a little girl came tearing around the corner, brushing right past Ryan to throw herself at Scott.

"Oh goodness Sophie! You've gotten so big!" Scott returned her bear-hug before addressing the rest of his family. "Everyone, this is my fiance, Ryan."

Ryan waved his hand timidly at the chorus of greetings. The little girl came around to stare at him intensely, making him even more uncomfortable.

After a weirdly almost too long time, Sophie finally announced, "You're really pretty! You look like the prince in my movie!"

It took everything Ryan had not to go "aww" out loud, but he thanked her shyly.

Scott got up real close and confidential like. "That's because secretly... and this is just between us... Ryan IS a prince!"

She gasped in delight, and Scott held a finger to his lips to remind her it was a secret. Ryan couldn't keep a straight face. It was Howard who finally got things moving and took over getting Ryan to his designated place while Scott went to go unload the gifts from the car. Scott's family members not-quite crowded around, almost like they were sensing his discomfort and waiting for Scott to get back to make their introductions. Almost everyone had a plate with little finger foods on it, and Ryan could swear he saw something very familiar he hadn't seen in a while on some of those plates. Then, he saw a kid walk by with a certain very nostalgic cookie in each little hand. Were those what he thought they were...?

"Okay, so I don't know if I got the recipe exact, but I wanted these to be a surprise." Howard suddenly appeared from behind him with a little plate of his own, which he set in Ryan's lap. "You'll have to tell me how close I got!"

Ryan would recognize those little powdered sugar covered cookies anywhere. He looked up at Howard in shock, just in time for Scott to come in from outside laden with the poorly-wrapped presents they'd brought.

"Aww dad, you gave him the cookies already? I was hoping to see his reaction..." Scott sounded disappointed, but Ryan could tell he was teasing.

"I haven't tried them yet!" Ryan replied excitedly.

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