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Scott had something extra special booked for them after lunch. It was a special massage and treatment package the resort only offered around the holiday. So, as they had been getting accustomed to, they changed into their underwear and the plush robes provided for them and made their way to the designated room for their appointment.

The room already smelled heavenly, with the scent of warm chocolate filling the air. Scott and Ryan were made to sit in special chairs with foot baths attached as the full team of professionals got to work.

Fresh rose petals were added to the pleasantly warm water, and while their feet soaked, Scott and Ryan were reclined in their chairs. They each got a manicurist to start on their hands, while a masseuse started their facials. Both treatments started with a scrub said to be made of coffee ground s and cocoa nibs, which was supposed to help exfoliate the skin. In Ryan's opinion, the gritty feeling tickled a little, but since it smelled so good, he was more than willing to put up with it.

And besides, once the exfoliant was washed off and the facial massage started, Ryan was more than happy to submit completely to the ministrations. A quick glance over at Scott showed he was in a similar state of mind.

Since neither Ryan nor Scott had opted for colored nail polish, the manicurist finished off their manicures with a clearcoat before moving on to their feet. By that time, the masseuses had a mud mask on each of them, and had gone to finish the last of the prep for the massage tables for the most anticipated part of this particular spa package.

The manicurists replicated the same treatment they'd done on Scott and Ryan's hands on their feet, though with a more intensive exfoliation treatment. From the corner of his eye, Ryan could easily tell that Scott was having a hard time sitting still. Ryan was sympathetic, but he couldn't help but laugh a little on the inside as his fiance dealt with getting his sensitive feet worked on. Offering Scott his hand to hold seemed to help, and both had a moment of shock where they realized just how soft the other's hands were now.

Once their feet were finally done, with rolls of cotton between their toes to keep the clear coat on their toenails from getting messed up until it dried, it was time for the best part. They were directed to get up and move to the tables nearby, and rather than getting Ryan's walker, having him walk a few feet, and then having him climb up on the table, Scott saved a few steps by physically lifting his fiance out of the manicure chair and carrying him over. Ryan offered a very weak protest to the treatment, mostly for the fact that they had an audience.

Luckily that audience was comprised of professionals. There weren't any giggles, or cooing, or anything more than friendly and pleasant smiles. Ryan sighed, took off his robe, and laid down on his massage table without further complaint, while Scott did the same.

The chocolate theme continued. Warm, melted cocoa butter was drizzled on their backs, and worked in with expert hands. Ryan was plenty familiar with the situation by now, and didn't even bother trying to fight the sleepy sensation that creeped up on him while the masseuse worked. He happily dozed through the whole thing, knowing Scott was probably doing the same. Now, Scott's massages were good, and he'd even had one or two at the physical therapy clinic, but there was something about a professional service that's only goal was to get you completely relaxed.

The last part of the experience was a seaweed wrap. Both Ryan and Scott had been unsure if Ryan would be able to handle it or not, since it would be completely immobilizing. Ryan had wanted to try it of course, but even after getting a few months of psychiatric help he still wasn't sure he could handle it. The last thing he needed to do was freak out and possibly fall off the table and hurt himself.

Turns out they didn't have to worry too much about that. They had a chance to talk with the staff about their concerns the day prior, and the resort was more than happy to accommodate. Where Ryan had wondered if they should refuse that part of the service, an alternative had been offered. So, while Scott was busy getting all wrapped up in a cocoon, Ryan got wrapped like a mummy, leaving him free to move his legs and arms if he needed to. The masseuse even frequently asked him if he was still okay as they continued the service, making sure Ryan knew he could back out at any time if he was uncomfortable.

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