Moving Forward

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Michael ended up cheekily turning down Edwardo's proposal that day. Not completely, he just insisted on getting something a little more public and romantic.

The next few weeks went by in a flash. In the wake of the historical verdict, omegas all over the country were suing their workplaces for discrimination and harassment. Reporters were swarming for interviews now more than ever, going so far as to stakeout Ryan's physical therapy clinic, Scott's parent's bakery, and even Edwardo's home. Irritating was an understatement, and while the public's opinion was mixed most media was at least putting the events that happened in a positive light.

Michael, for his part, had completely devoted himself to the city's PR campaign after quitting Howard's bakery with an apology. With Edwardo's help he was finally able to start some psychotherapy, even if he wasn't sure it was helping yet. He and Edwardo had finally finished getting the rest of Michael's stuff moved over to Edwardo's place, and they were already talking with contractors on turning some unused bedrooms into a functional studio space.

They'd also finally had their interview, televised much to Michael's surprise, to confirm their relationship to the public. That's where Michael got the proposal he'd been waiting on. Edwardo had worked it out with the interview crew ahead of time, arranging spot lighting, a balloon drop, and everything. So, after half an hour of telling the city just how much Edwardo loved his boyfriend, he once again asked Michael that oh-so-important question. Michael said yes, of course. The stunt gained them even more media attention and gave both a boost to their social media following. Between the two of them, they now had a decent fan base to start promoting their new photography venture.

Ryan was taking things pretty well too. While he still wasn't up for an in-person, face to face interview, his therapist had suggested starting an anonymous blog to help him process his history, trauma, and physical recovery. Scott had even bought him a laptop for that exact purpose. He still wasn't brave enough to enable comments, but the increasing view counts were enough to keep him motivated.

Considering all the media attention for all involved, one thing everyone was secretly happy about was that there wasn't going to be another court case. Jack and his nephew had accepted a plea deal in exchange for a lighter sentence.

And in the light of all that, Ryan was ready for the next major part of his physical recovery. With the physical therapist on one side of him, Scott on the other, and a nurse recording with Scott's phone, Ryan stared down the set of parallel hand rails in front of him. He'd been doing well with the water treadmill, and could barely contain his enthusiasm when the therapist finally said he was strong enough to try walking on his own.

Scott patted Ryan's shoulder encouragingly. "Okay Hot Stuff, whenever you're ready. The therapist and I are right here, we won't let you fall."

Ryan nodded, then reached out and made sure his grip on the handrails were steady. Supportive hands held him under the arms and on his back, and with a decisive bracing of his muscles, he was able to stand upright in one smooth motion.

Ryan wasn't going to celebrate standing up. He'd been doing standing exercises for a few days now, and he knew the major hurdle was the next part. Both Scott and the therapist had very secure holds on him. He knew they weren't going to let him fall.

"Fantastic! Okay Ryan, one little step at a time," the physical therapist instructed. "Don't worry about making it to the end. We'll have your wheelchair behind you if you need to take a break."

Ryan nodded, staring determinedly ahead. He grit his teeth, sliding his right foot forward maybe an inch. This was harder than he thought it would be. He took a deep breath, and placing his absolute confidence in the people supporting him, shifted his weight and swung his leg forward. One step down. He scooted his hands up, then shifted and swung the other leg. Two steps down. Definitely harder than he thought it was going to be. He paused to catch his breath. One more step. Another short break. Another step. Another break.

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