Trouble in Paradise

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"We're almost there, Honey Bun. You nervous?" Scott asked, turning down the car radio. Ever since Ryan used the pet name Tuesday, Scott's been trying a few out on his own, hoping one would stick.

"Who, me? Nervous? Why would I be nervous?"

"I just noticed you tend to fidget with your collar whenever you're uneasy."

Truthfully, that was exactly what Ryan was doing, running his fingers over a slightly uneven spot in the Hem.

"Do you think they'll like me? What if I don't make a good enough impression?"

"Would you believe me if I told you they forbid me from speaking your name again until they got to meet you in person?" Scott smiled. His family had been hounding him to take his boyfriend home since day one. "You look nice today, by the way "

Ryan was wearing a grey button-up and black pants. He'd made it a point to go to the thrift stores in the nicer part of the city to find a new outfit for today, even with so little advanced warning. The shirt was missing it's topmost button, but it was the nicest thing he could find in his size. He hoped no one would notice. Far sooner than he was ready for, they pulled in to Scott's parent's driveway.

"You ready, my Hot Cinnamon Sunset?" Scott asked, wiggling his eyebrows comically.

That startled a laugh out of Ryan, the kind where you try not to laugh but you simply can't help it since what you heard was so ridiculous.

"Please don't call me that in front of your parents!" Ryan begged. His cheeks were flushed, but he had a hard time hiding the grin on his face.

Scott leaned over to plant a kiss on Ryan's forehead. That was another thing he wanted to get to stick, little "just because" kisses.

They got out of the car and walked up to the front door. It was closed. Ryan considered knocking politely, but Scott simply threw the door open wide and ushered Ryan inside, calling out, "I brought a present!"

"Welcome! Welcome!" A male voice called out from somewhere in the house, "I'm in the kitchen, your mother's out back finishing up with the grill!"

"Grill?" Ryan asked Scott quietly.

"Barbeque pork chops," Scott answered. "My mom's a master at grilling."

Scott brought Ryan further into the house. The first thing to hit him was the smell. Whatever was going with the pork chops, it smelled delicious. The second thing he noticed was how huge the living room was. The ceiling was vaulted and there were two ultra-plush leather couches, one of which had an occupant, busily typing away on a laptop.

The brown haired girl on the couch turned towards them when they walked in, giving Ryan a once-over.

"So, you're the one Scotty won't shut up about?" She asked.

"Ah... Um..." Ryan stammered, taken aback.

"Beth, be nice." Scott chided. "Or else we won't play games with you later."

"I was just expecting someone closer to a Greek god, considering how you talked him up." She closed her laptop and walked over to them, offering Ryan her hand. "You're a decent enough looker though. Nice to meet you, my name's Elizabeth."

"Ah, yes?" Ryan shook her hand. "Ryan. Ryan Neel."

The dining area was just off the living room. The table was already set and some of the food was already out. Ryan decided skipping breakfast was a good idea after all, as his stomach made its own commentary, eliciting a giggle from his newfound acquaintance.

"Don't worry," Elizabeth assured, "you're gonna love our parent's cooking!"

"I certainly hope so!" A man boomed as he came out of the kitchen, holding a casserole of what looked like homemade mac'n'cheese. He looked very much like Elizabeth. "You must be the 'Ryan' we've all heard so much about! Welcome to the Kranston home!"

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