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Michael really wanted an omega's view on all this, but beggars can't be choosers and he only had about an hour until Edwardo's plane landed. He needed to decide what he was going to do. He flopped on his bed and considered his options.

Talking to Edwardo face to face would have been ideal, but that wasn't going to happen. Councilman Sanchez had told him he made his son get on the plane against his wishes. Apparently Edwardo hadn't wanted to leave without making up with Michael first. The issue was though that Edwardo's grandma had dementia, and since he and his brother were twins, having one there and not the other confused her too much. It's the only reason he couldn't get out of going in the first place. Well, that and she was old. You don't flake on old people. There's no guarantee how much longer they'll be around.

Councilman Sanchez even offered to escort Michael himself to Mexico to spend the holiday with his family, since he wasn't leaving until after tomorrow because of work. Never mind that Michael couldn't go in the first place.

And never mind that Edwardo had apparently called his father after their fight last night to "heroically profess" that he was in love with a man. Never mind that Edwardo's family already knew Michael was a guy, thanks to a gossipy limo driver, and assumed the whole issue with Edwardo referring to him as female had something to do with gender identity. Although, the fact that Edwardo's folks were cool with that was a real plus... And never mind that Councilman Sanchez himself apologized for his son's behavior, citing "bad parenting" and the fact that male omegas were such a rarity he hadn't considered the possibility his son would fall for one. Apparently there were only five male omegas in the entire city and all the outlying suburbs according to the last census.

Besides all that, Michael wasn't sure if he was ready to forgive Edwardo or not.

And that's what he needed advice on. Councilman Sanchez had urged Michael to call Edwardo after his son's plane landed. Michael hadn't even checked any of Edwardo's numerous texts, voicemails, or social media messages yet. He needed a pep-talk, for someone he trusted to tell him what the right thing to do was. He wanted to talk to Ryan more than anyone, but since he wasn't the only one to have a rough night last night that wasn't happening so... Ryan's fiance was the next best thing, right?

So, Michael info-dumped all his relationship drama. From the lack of sex, to Edwardo's lie, to their fight, he told Scott everything.

"Well first-off, I think it's very big of you to admit trying to force him to have sex with you was wrong." Scott's voice came through slightly distorted from the phone speaker.

Michael pouted. "But what about how he lied to his family about me?" Michael asked insistently. "Isn't that something people break up over? What should I do?"

"That's really something you'll have to come to your own conclusion on. Do you want to stay in a relationship with him? If not, call and break up. But if you do want a relationship, you still have to call and work it out. Sure, talking in person would be best, but either way you need to let him know what he did hurt you. And a sincere apology from your side wouldn't be a bad idea. That's the only way you'll be able to move forward."

Michael rubbed his face with a frustrated groan. "Why can't I have one of those smooth-sailing no-fuss relationships like you and Ryan have? It's not fair..."

"Now wait a minute," Scott was quick to defend on that point, "Ryan and I don't always have a perfect relationship, and it took a lot of communication and trial-and-error to get where we are now. It didn't just happen overnight. Both of us put in a lot of work, and continue to put in a lot of work. We're only human."

"But you guys always look like you're on the same page, and I've never seen you argue-"

"We had an argument this morning."

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