Don't Be Sorry

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Don't be sorry for the things in me you can't help.
Don't be mad when nothing seems to change even when you're around.

Its hard to deal with someone that always has something bad going on.
But I promise you.
when you can't deal with me.
I don't want to either.
I'm sick of always having something bad or hurtful on my mind.
I'm sick of having all these bad memories inside.

Youre not weak for not being able to deal with a person like me,
You're not wrong for putting yourself first.
Its not your fault my problems may be too hard to solve.
But please when I need you don't just nod your head and run off.

I know im not the best at telling you how I feel.
and I know the way I express my feelings is a mess and that every bad feeling I get, I conceal.
I know you'll read this and feel guilty but baby please forgive me.

When I have no where else to go I pour my feelings into a song.
A poem if you may.
A poem about you and how you always stay.

Not to make you feel bad, not to make you feel sad.
But for me to be able to express myself in a draft so I wont  express myself when im mad.

I love you and it hurts to say, I wish I could end this poem in a different way.

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