So Cold

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It's always cold.
It doesn't snow or rain in here... But it's always cold.
It smells like winter like ice like rain.
The wind is blowing and freezing all that stands in its way.
Steam is coming out of my lungs and ice coming in.

It's always cold in my room.

The walls are an icy shade of blue. Thin curtains cover the windows, frostbitten.
The bed seems like a cold metal slate covered with a thin sheet of ice and a blanket of snow.
The stuffed animals on the bed hug each other for warmth, the thermometer has lost all hope.

The wind picks up, the curtains swing violently, ice shards flying in every direction.
But the moment it stops everything goes quiet.

It's always cold in my room at home.

The walls are covered in ice the floor covered in snow.
Frost creeps on to the window.
Not even the radiator can keep me warm.
It's almost as if time stands when there is no heat.
My room was always cold and so it will stay especially now that I'm no longer there...

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