Please Talk To Me

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Late at night I hear your voice,
it's calling me, begging for my attention.
'Please don't leave me'
it will say,
and I? 
I  will try to hide my face under the covers , hoping the voice will go away.
'I can't wait to see you'
it will whisper.
But I won't fall for its tricks this time.
'help me'
it will beg again.
But by then I have already perfected my fake sleep.

The feeling of its warmth around me.
It's there.
It's familiar.
It's comforting.
It's home.
When you feel so safe you forget that you're alone.

When we used to speak we would talk for hours, Quietly, in hushed voices until early morning.
When we laughed I would laugh harder than when I am with  others. 
When we held hands, I could feel your presence .
It's hard to explain to people in a way that won't make me look insane.

Now you're just a voice in the back of my head begging me to come back to you.
But I know what the doctors said.
The doctors know what they're talking about!
They tell me you're not real.
They tell me to ignore you, it.
They tell me it's all in my head
They tell me I'm damaged,
They tell me I'm crazy,
They tell me I'm imagining,

they tell me I'm insane .

Those people back when I was a kid. They put it in there, in my head.
They made it the monster they are scared to see today.
They said I deserved what they did. they told me it's my fault.
But they hit me first I promise that they hit me first.

'Why am I now the one to blame?' I whispered to the voice.
'Please talk to me
Please hug me
Please keep me safe. '
I say, meekly, to the voice inside of me, in the back of my damaged brain.

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