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I'm running, I'm falling, I'm stumbling but still running.
I will never stop running.
They're shouting my name I can hear them from over  here.
So I run faster.
RUN I tell myself RUN FASTER!
They're right behind me they're on my tail.

I can feel them trying to grab my hair.
Why are they after me? what did I do?
was it because I asked a question in class  about a topic I didn't know?
I didn't get it while everyone else just knew.
It's not my fault I just didn't understand.
Please! it's not my fault!

I'm still running and it's getting hard to breathe.
My legs are like jello and every step stings.
The stinging shooting up my legs and into my stomach.
My head feeling light and the world is spinning around me.
My lungs are on fire inhaling heat and exhaling flames.
I'm Not running as fast as before, but trying my best to get as far away from here.
Just a little more.
Just a little more.
I can see the school gate.
Just a little more!
They are catching up and I know what'll happen next if they catch me.
I won't be able to walk home today let alone tomorrow to school.
Fear is bubbling up inside as I start to lose my power to run.
My stomach is flipping.
my head is spinning.
My eyes close.
I fall to my knees.
I didn't even feel Them grab me.

It all goes black

They got me

they win

Inside My Head - A Collection Of MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora