יום נעים English Translation (a nice Day)

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It was a normal day just like any other day.
The sun was shining, it was a bit warm but the breeze made it worth getting out of the house.
My cat came along to keep me company while I bury my feet in the hot sand and feel the ice cold water around my ankles.
While I was daydreaming about the pressure Im going through: the bank, taxes, bills, loans, school, family and work. I heard my cat whine.
"he's probably just hungry".
I wanted to stay for a little longer, just a little longer.
It was so quiet,
so very quiet.
Not even the seagulls made noise. I guess they're just trying to appreciate this silence while it lasts before the tourists arrive to make the beach noisy again.
I remember hearing my neighbors talk about leaving, probably to go on a vacation. I wish I could go on vacation, I wish I could sail the sea and feel the breeze everyday, feel free of the responsibilities I've set for myself, just to be free.
I leaned back, my hair lightly touching the sand while I soak in some of the sunshine.
"I should get back"
I stand up and go to the ocean to clean my feet from the sand that was still stuck to them.
The ocean seemed like it was running away.
But before I could finish my train of thought, a shell! It was huge! I put it to my ear while my back faced the ocean.
I closed my eyes.
I can hear the waves, the sounds of the water crashing against everything. It's very loud.
Louder than I expected.
I opened my eyes, it was dark. I looked up to the sky and saw it.
A wave taller than the highest building and so wide I couldnt see the edge of it.
Before I could scream, before I could shout, I realized.
It was to late to run from the tsunami.

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