Enthusiastic Friend

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It's those little things that make me happy.
I get excited and want to share them with the world.
But more than anything,
I want to share them with the people I hold close.

I want to give them the same feeling I get,
When Im over enthusiastic about the current events.
The slugs on the ground or the bird that flew over, the cat in the street or the picture I drew of an otter.

When I make a drawing of a friend or a story to share,
When I show them these things I want them to care,
When I make them into characters in a comic, or make a poem that's dramatic!
I want them to smile and laugh as they type me a message saying they saw it, saying things that make me believe they are as enthusiastic as me.

I'm not expecting them to be enthusiastic or at least Not as much as I am, that's not the point of sharing the drawings I make for them.
I want them to smile while reading the poems, or the drawings I keep sending.
and laugh at the jokes and pictures I text them.
Even if we aren't technically talking

I want to be over enthusiastic with them, and hopefully get my feelings returned with the same over enthusiastic tone.
But high hopes like these are what make me annoying.
People get bored and ask me to stop writing.

Its a lot to ask I am sure but I hope you understand.
Sometimes I'm over enthusiastic because I don't want to be sad.
If I'm not occupied with something to dream about or a world in my head.
The voices rial up and it feels like the end.

I don't have a silent moment for myself.
So please let me talk with you about something else.
A post apocalyptic world
or a game that we can play,
A story I haven't written,
a poem I want to send.
Drawings of people and ideas for sketches,
New movies to see and memories to be given, A board game or a book I don't really care as long as your with me, still there.

I want to send you pictures of the slugs I saw today.
They made me smile, the made my day.
I want to send you a thousand laughing emojis
And send you puns about surgeries.
Send my love and affection to all!
Have you eaten today? Did you drink at all?

My mother instinct kicks in from time to time.
I'm sorry I worry.
Believe me I try.
I try very hard to not let my emotions slip through .
To stay calm and explain whats going on, but what's the point?
I want to be enthusiastic with everyone.

I know I get carried away with my enthusiastic ways.
I forget you're not right next to me to hug the pain away.
I know im annoying, and get old quickly.
Its hard to be broken in a way I cant explain plainly.
Just help me quiet the voices in my head and I promise you
I'll be your over enthusiastic best friend.

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