Let A Guy Like Him

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It's always been him
His smile, perfect
His hugs, warm
His voice, calming
His laugh, intoxicating

And his eyes tell you that everything will be fine.

You know who I'm talking about.
You know him.
His smile is contagious.
His hugs keep you safe.
His voice, you can drown in it.
His laugh is the most beautiful thing you've ever heard.

And his eyes make sure you feel listened to.

When he talks, all you want to hear, is him,
when he laughs, all you want to do, is laugh with him,
When he hugs you, you cant help but melt.

When you love a guy like him.
Let him know it.
He deserves the best.
He deserves a smile and a laugh at his jokes, he deserves a pat on the back and a shoulder to cry on. .

Let a guy like him be loved by a person like you.

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