Chapter 17

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Hiya *waves*

No major development here. Just a filler chapter.

I was writing a completely different chapter but l was yet to complete it and it was putting me on a writer's block.

With exams still on my head, l couldn't put my head into some great plot but l still wanted to put out something instead of waiting till next year for inspiration to hit me.

Since you guys always wait patiently for me to update, this is sort my token of appreciation for all the love you guys have for this book.

Coming back to DLF Towers, l asked the concierge to have someone get the bags from my car to the penthouse. Standing in the lobby I called Aaryan and told him l was home while the helpers placed all the bags in the cart.

We rode the elevator upto 20th floor. I was about to knock on the door when l realised no one was home. Using my keys, I opened the door with and turned on the lights. The bell boy pushed the cart in placed the bags on the living room table.

I got a call from Raina about their arrival at the airport just as l thanked and tipped the bell boy for his help.

Closing the main door, l came to stand in the middle of eerily quite living room. It was weird being home in the evening and not hear chachu watching whatsapp videos in the living room on full volume or have Rohan yelling at his team mates in a game or have chachi and mummy making sure no one forgot their Tupperwares at work.

With no noises coming from outside and no one but me inside, my home was quieter than a morgue.

"Fours day like this? I don't if l should be happy or sad." Realising l was talking to myself like a loon, l walked into my room and placed both my car and home keys on the holder.

It was 8:30 already, so I ordered food from Swiggy and went for a quick shower. After shower l settled in the living room in a T-shirt and shorts to separate Anjali and Sonali's bags from ours. While sorting the bags my eyes caught a note on a box in a Gucci bag. Frowning, I pulled out the box and plucked the note.

Thanks for everything, Naina

Unwrapping the paper from the box, l opened the lid only to find a vanila scented perfume in it. I smiled. This girl! I picked up my phone and texted Anjali.

Naina: Thanks for the gift. But you really didn't need to.

Her reply came immediately.

Anjali: I did. And it smells so good, it would drive Veer crazy. ; )

Cheeks flaming, l was about shoot her a scathing text but the ringing of the doorbell distracted me from the task at hand.

At 9, l settled in my room with food and and my laptop. I watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S. while l ate my food after which l moved to the couch to start working. I couldn't work on my bed knowing l would fall asleep in minutes but l had some important work to do.

The clock had struck midnight by the time l decided to take a break. Getting out of bed, l stretched and took my utensils to the kitchen sink.

I looked outside the window by the granite shelf to see that it was a clear starry night. The lights from other towers and cars from the distant highway created a picturesque view.

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