Chapter 27

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Hiya *waves*

Shoutout to Dreamless_Slumber, Clever_Ghost, lovelalixo, Cash11133, Shre_0709, Bi2120, 92aazz, DivyaPatel670 and Rapnunster1 for being such awesome readers.

A huge thank you to Starwa22Starwa22 and prettybabyflower for sticking with me for the past two years.

all_about_the_story, Sphinx9709, PerfectTrouble28, Me_haz_dumb for being my constant pillars of support. Hope you got great score in your result.

AnshukaSangwan here is your romance.

Thank you for the barrage of notifications l got when l opened my account.

P.S. Innocent readers do NOT read between these (◆◆◆◆◆) markings.

P.P.S. l kept my promise.

Naina's POV
August 12, 2019 (hence the delay 😉)


A million and one flashing at a time.


Larger, stronger with every achievement.


Bigger, broader with every year I grew as a Mittal.

This was my life, always had been. I was trained for it. I was groomed to have no room for mistake, to be a pioneer, to be the pinnacle. I was coached to climb to the top. I was taught to defend my place.

And l had.

But God if it wasn't so lonely at the top.

As Veer and l walked together onto one of the biggest stage in the midst of a hundred flashing cameras to face a thousand sitting crowd, for the first time ever since it was decided for me to stand at helm of the Mittal ship, l had company.

And l couldn't have been more grateful.

"Good Evening ladies and gentlemen," Veer said in his deep, soothing voice. His face painted in a charming smile. "Every once in a while is born an idea that changes the way we see things."

I stepped forward. "Every once in while there emerges an idea that gives future a new perspective."

"It's the perfect execution of these ideas that brings a revolution," Veer said coming to stand beside me. "However, revolution is not an event."

"It's a process," I completed. "So, here we are," I said, making my voice loud and clear. "Bringing you the digital revolution that will change the way you see things. Ladies and gentlemen, we present you―ByCon."

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