Chapter 1

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Hiya *waves*

For non-Indian readers

Roka: is an Indian pre wedding ceremony that officially marks the beginning of the wedding.

Chuddy buddy: synonymous to best friends since they were in diapers

Mama: maternal uncle

Naina's POV
March 21, 2019

"Is that all?" I asked my P.A., Asha, a 42-year-old sweetheart, who has been working with our company for the past fourteen years.

"Yes. The reports from the production department are also on your desk," she said.

I thanked her and walked into my office. It used to be my father's but was later passed down to me. After my father retired two years ago, he left me to take care of his legacy, Mittal Steel, while he worked from the sidelines.

I walked around my desk to sit in my plush chair. I was reading the report when suddenly the door to my office banged open. I looked up to find my cousins Raina and Rohan barging in.

"Why the heck did you not tell us that Aaryan Malhotra is getting married?" Raina yelled

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"Why the heck did you not tell us that Aaryan Malhotra is getting married?" Raina yelled.

"Because he's not?" I questioned with a frown.

Aaryan Malhotra, my chuddy buddy, was the son of the owner of Malhotra Corp and my dad's old friend, Ramesh uncle. All our life, Aaryan and I have done everything together.

We have been there for each other through thick and thin—be it my father's cardiac arrest or his mother's death. Surely he would tell me something as significant as him getting married.

Both my cousins blinked and looked at each other sheepishly, perhaps doing some twin telepathy. They nodded at each other and then made themselves comfortable in the chairs opposite my desk.

Rohan cleared his throat to say something when the door to my office banged open again, only for the aforementioned best friend to walk in with a scowl on his face but stop at the sight of two guilty expressions.

"You told her, didn't you? You couldn't wait for two freaking minutes to let me come and tell her myself!" Aryan yelled.

"We thought you would have told her! Why didn't you warn us not to tell her?"
Rohan cried out.

"I tried, you stupid box of walnuts. After Anjali called me that her sister had already told you about it because of some not-telling-someone-a-secret-excludes-my-best-friend. I called to stop you but you just kept on muttering some gibberish about throwing Naina in the fires of hell..."I raised an eyebrow at that to which Raina shot me a guilty smile. "...and then you hung up on me. I had to rush here before she could come and castrate me for breaking our promise." Aaryan yelled.

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