Chapter 3

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Hiya *waves*

Bhaisahab - literally is a synonym of brother but generally used to politely adress strangers

"Both the deals have been successful" I said into the phone to Asha as Manohar uncle drove back to Delhi, "Tomorrow arrange a meeting with the R&D department, ask them to prepare a report on changes required in blast furnaces. Also send the supply of pig iron from our Bokaro plant to Vijay Agrotech."

"Alright, I'll see to it" Asha said as she cut the call. I looked out of the window at the sprinting trees along the highway and mentally sighed. It has been a little stressful lately.

The economy has been down and the entire steel sector stands affected. If this goes on then the we will have to suspend working in Steel plants. Thousands of people depend on the jobs in these plants for income. I could not stand so many people losing their jobs.

I rubbed my temples after shutting down my laptop. I never wanted so much stress to be a part of my life . Alas! You don't always get what you want. And the current situations were just proving this statement more and more right.

Though we had a number of companies under our name. Iron and steel was the flagship of Mittal fleet, an unwantsd storm in its path was really not appreciated. I was glad I could spend a day with my family and friends like this. It would give me the energy to dive diligently into my work again.

It was 8:30 a.m. now. I had woken up at 5, changed into denim capris and green and white stripped T-shirt. I had instructed Manohar uncle to bring my picnic bag when he comes to pick me from the hotel and drop me at the amusement park. The park opened at 9:00. I hoped the guys don't have to wait for too long, I should be there by 9:30.

After almost an hour later, Manohar uncle said, "We are about to reach Madam."

Just then I got a text.

Raina: Are you here yet?
Me: Almost. Where are you all?
Raina: At the ticket counter. We are waiting for you.
Me: 10 minutes tops.
Raina: Okaaaa

Manohar uncle dropped me at the gate and left. I went to the ticket counter but couldn't see either my family or friends. Thinking they were all probably already in, I bought the ticket and went in. There were people miling about but I still couldn't see anybody familiar. I texted Raina then;

Me: Where are you?
Raina: At the counter. Still waiting. Hurry up. The show is about to start.

But I am already insi-wait did she just say show? I frowned staring at my phone screen. My eyes widened as a thought struck my mind. I immediately rang up Raina. This better not be what I am starting to believe it is. She picked up on the third ring.

"What show?" I asked calmly.

"Uhhh....Captain Marvel? At the PVR? The movie has been out for atleast three weeks now," Raina said slowly as if explaining something to a child. I, on the other hand was fuming but still camly continued, "we are watching Captain Marvel at the PVR."

"Uhh.. yeah. Everyone is here," I could positively see the confusion on her face.

"And when were you going to inform me about the change of plans?"

"I did. I told you to be at the theatre when you called saying you'll be late then I told yo-"


And then after a beat.


Then l yelled out what probably holds the record for most asked question in whole of India.

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