Chin Up (Yonghoon x Kanghyun)

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Requested by Kandccat I hope you like it!

"Don't bother calling us or coming here again. You're not welcome."

That was the last thing Kanghyun's parents had said to him before hanging up for the last time. The one time he wanted them to be supportive and proud of him, they disowned him; it was hard enough them not being supportive of his career in music.

He threw himself backwards onto his bed from his sitting position and rolled over, burying his face into his pillows. He didn't want to cry purely because the members, especially Yonghoon would notice and question him. He didn't want to worry them with his problems. They all had more important things to worry about, like their upcoming comeback, which everyone wanted to go smoothly, so this would just fuck everything up.

While he was groaning into his pillow, looking somewhat like a possessed person, the door opened, which of course he didn't notice mid mental-breakdown.

"Did I walk in at the wrong time? You good?" The leader stood there, leaning against the door frame with one eyebrow quirked, looking bemusedly at the clearly suffering younger.

He received another groan in response before Kanghyun rolled over to look over at the taller male, who now looked confused at his saddened expression.

"Hey, what's up? I thought you were talking to your parents?" Yonghoon advanced into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed, still leaving a slight distance between them.

"I was." He threw an arm over his face and let out a long sigh. Maybe if he didn't talk about it Yonghoon would leave back to his precious Giwook and let him cry in peace.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well. You know you can talk to me about anything right? You don't have to keep it to yourself, that's what I'm here for, to help anything who's having a hard time. It's my job as the leader." Of course he only saw this a friendship between band mates, nothing more.

"I know. I don't want to talk about it." Yonghoon could sense the hostility in his voice and got up to leave.

"If you need me, I'll be helping Giwook in the studio."


It was only Harin who saw Kanghyun this vulnerable, and it was only after putting up a fight that he gave in and cried on the shoulder of the older. He had decided after a long mental battle with himself that if the opportunity arose he would tell Harin about what happened on the phone call with his parents. He felt like he needed to tell someone or he would eventually have a breakdown, and he really didn't want that to be during their comeback.

"So you told them, and they don't accept you?" Asked Harin carefully.

Kanghyun nodded while wiping his tears with the sleeve cuff of his hoodie.

"They told me to not bother contacting them again." He managed to say through the sobs.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't think it would turn out like this, I'm sorry for pushing you to tell them." It was true that Harin had pushed him to tell his parents, but it wasn't him at fault, Kanghyun was the one to tell them when he knew they probably wouldn't be accepting of him.

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