Power Cuts (Meanie)

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With Wonwoo being a cat hybrid, he did have some of the usual fears at cat would have, fireworks being one, and water being another. This made it especially hard when it came to bath time. Mingyu would spend at least half an hour every time chasing him round the house, trying to corner Wonwoo so he could grab him and get him to have a bath. Usually it ended up with Mingyu bribing him with something, either food or a cuddling session after he had had the dreaded bath.

But there was one fear that wasn't common for a cat, or a cat hybrid, to have that Wonwoo had. And that was a fear of power cuts. Not the dark, he was just about okay with that, but having the light suddenly go out with no warning was what scared him. But Mingyu couldn't do anything about this fear because even he didn't know about it, Wonwoo never told him.

When Mingyu first got Wonwoo he was very quiet and didn't want to talk at all, he didn't even make a single noise. Wonwoo just sat staring out the window at the cars passing on the busy street below. He had stopped talking because of what happened when he was with his old owner, Mingyu had discovered when he finally managed to get Wonwoo to talk to him. He also discovered that Wonwoo would only sleep in the dark if he was next to, or in Mingyu's arms, which he found cute. But, again, it was all to do with his past owner, who Wonwoo never named, the memory of him being too painful.

Slowly Wonwoo had opened up to Mingyu, creating a close and unbreakable bond between the two of them. It was the first time in his life that Wonwoo had trusted someone, let alone loved someone.

He could still be quiet at times but not nearly as much as he used to be. This made Mingyu smile thinking about how much progress the two had made in the year and a half they had known each other.

It was late afternoon on a Saturday, and Mingyu had been called into work to cover a shift for one of his co-workers. He had left Wonwoo at home, sat in the window seat he loved so much, reading, which was the usual thing he did when Mingyu was at work.

Mingyu worked as a waiter in a quite well-known cafe, owned by one of his friends and his boyfriend. He had been offered a job when it first opened, about two years ago, by his friend, Seungcheol, as they needed workers, and had worked there ever since.

With it being a Saturday afternoon, it wasn't very busy, so Mingyu was hanging around the till area talking to another one of his friends who worked there, Junhui.

"Ugh. I wish Soonyoung wasn't ill so he could be here instead of me. It's so boring! I bet he's not even ill, he just wants to spend time with his boyfriend." Mingyu whined.

"Quit your whining! You only have twenty minutes left of your shift, I have another hour yet. And plus, you are exactly the same with Wonwoo." Junhui replied.

"True, but still...." Mingyu pouted.

Five minutes later, and both the boys were getting extremely bored standing around with nothing to do. All the customers who were there had been served already.

"Guys, you can leave early if you want. I think I can handle it until we close now." Jeonghan, Seungcheol's boyfriend, said while coming out from the kitchen.

"Are you sure?" Junhui asked.

"Yeah. Me and Seungcheol have it covered. You guys go enjoy the rest of your weekend, go spend time with your boyfriends!" He smiled at the two.

"Okay. Thanks Jeonghan!" They both waved to him as they headed into the staff locker room to get their stuff.

After getting their stuff and taking off their aprons, Mingyu and Junhui left the cafe and began their walk home. Luckily they both had to walk the same way for most of their journey home.

When the two for to where they split off into different directions, they bid their farwells and headed off home, both of them not being able to wait to see their boyfriends.

With it being the start of December it was nearly dark already, not to mention it was really very cold, but the walk was made more pleasant because of all the Christmas lights people had decorated their houses with.

But just as Mingyu was getting to where the apartment block him and Wonwoo lived together in, all the lights suddenly went out. Unfortunately for him, the moon was covered with a large cloud, making it very dark and hard to see.

He carried on walking and made his way to the apartment, unlocking the door and stepping inside. The apartment was very dark and quiet, maybe Wonwoo hadn't heard him come in.

Mingyu took off his coat and shoes, dumping them somewhere where he would probably trip over later, and went to go find Wonwoo.

As he suspected, he was still sat on the window seat, but he wasn't reading. Instead he was curled up into a tight ball, with his ears turned sideways, indicating he was scared, and his tail wrapped around his waist as if trying to comfort him.

As he walked closer, Mingyu could see he was shaking and could hear quiet sniffles too.

He kneeled down next to the hybrid and gently pulled him into his arms.

Wonwoo looked at him wide-eyed but as soon as he saw it was him, he instantly cuddled into his arms, trying to seek comfort from them. He slowly began to stop shaking and crying, the comfort of Mingyu's arms helping with this.

After he had stopped crying and shaking completely, Mingyu picked him up and carried him over to the sofa, where he sat down with Wonwoo on his lap, still curled up.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Mingyu whispered, not wanting to startle the hybrid.

Wonwoo removed his head from the crook of Mingyu's neck and looked down at his hands, which were covered in his oversized sweater sleeves. He began playing with the fabric.

"I got scared." He whispered back.

"Of what?" Mingyu asked.

"The power cut. It went dark suddenly and it scared me. I don't like being in the dark alone, it brings back bad memories." He whispered, still completely focused on his sweater sleeves.

He finally looked up at Mingyu who was already looking at him.

"You don't need to be scared anymore. I'm here and I'll protect you from anything." Mingyu said, smiling softly at the adorable half human-half cat which was sat on his lap.

Wonwoo smiled back softly and wrapped his arms around Mingyu, his tail instantly wrapping itself around Mingyu's waist.

"I love you." Mingyu whispered to him.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

He placed his head back in the crook of the tallers neck and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of not being alone and being loved. It felt nice.

They both ended up falling asleep like that and woke up the next morning to the bright light situated over them, which was now on, due to the power coming back on.

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