Home (Binwoo/Binu)

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TW: character death

They say home is where the heart is, but what happens if your home isn't a house or place, but a person? More specifically, in a certain persons arms.

My heart is, and always will be, with my one and only love, my whole world. The only person who I live for, the only person my heart is beating for, which is why it belongs to them.

My love promised that we could be reunited someday, and when that day comes, we will never have to be separated again. I will never have to leaves his arms again.

He died 6 weeks ago from terminal cancer.

He had known that he would die at a younger age than all of ours friends and me, but that didn't stop him from living his life the way he wanted to. He carried on as if nothing was going to happen to him, like he would die of old age like the rest of us, and not of such a horrific thing as cancer.

His last words,

"I promise we can be together again some day. And we will never be parted again after that."

He was too young to die.

I know lots of people say this, but I mean it in the way that we had our whole future planned out ahead of us.

Well, not exactly our whole future, but things like getting married and adopting a child or two, a boy and a girl maybe.

He would have been an amazing appa, he was always good with children. I remember we used to babysit for his aunty, looking after his 3 year old cousin. They looked so cute together, and because of them being related, they resembled each other too.

We shared some good memories together.

If I got a penny every time I thought of him, I would only have one because he never leaves my mind. There isn't a single minute in the day that I don't miss him or think of him.

This is why I'm glad that I have so many photographs and selfies of us together, I look through them everyday. I've pretty much memorised each one individually but I still do it.

They were either taken by one of us or one of our friends.

They were either taken by one of us or one of our friends

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