Bite (Seungwoo x Subin)

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"Ow, kitten that hurt!" Yelped Seungwoo at the sudden sharp pain on his arm, which just so happened to be from his boyfriend biting him.

Subin looked up at him with a playful glint in his eyes before detaching his teeth from the olders arm. He decided he no longer wanted to sit beside Seungwoo, who was trying to work on a new song, but that he wanted to sit on Seungwoo's lap instead - and nothing was gonna stop him. The younger was being particularly clingy today (even though him being clingy was the normal state of affairs) and just wanted attention from his boyfriend, all of his attention.

He promptly sat himself on Seungwoo's lap, facing him, and seeing as he was once again being ignored decided to try his luck again. Subin thought he may as well, he felt the need to take some risks in life no matter how small, considering he technically had 9 lives. While trying to 'get comfortable' he seemingly moved around a little too much as Seungwoo suddenly grabbed the hybrids hip to stop him from moving.

"Stop moving around. Behave."

The look in Seungwoo's eyes told Subin that he was serious, compared to his usually softer looking eyes, they had seemed to get darker in his state of annoyance. Unfortunately, the younger wasn't going to stop until he got the attention he wanted, and he secretly didn't mind if he made his boyfriend mad in the process, because he thought the older looked even hotter than usual when he had had his buttons pushed slightly.

So, the biting continued on any pieces of exposed skin, Seungwoo's neck, ear, arms, leaving little bite indents. Oh and he also left a small kiss on his cheek just to top everything off. He leaned back slightly to see the older already looking at him, and he didn't look happy. Only now realising that he had made him angry, Subin's ears flattened on top of his head and he unconsciously pouted, refusing to meet Seungwoo's intense gaze.

"I thought I told you to stop, kitten?"

At that point, Subin's sweater covered hands had become extremely interesting, as he became more submissive to the older.

"Look at me kitten." Seungwoo demanded, lifting the youngest chin with one of his fingers.

It was only when he saw the look in Subin's eyes that his own softened, seeing the effect he was having on him.

"I'm sorry hyung. I just wanted you to pay attention to me. You've been working on that song for a long time, and it felt like you were ignoring me." The pouting hybrid apologised, knowing that the elder would most likely forgive him.

Subin wrapped his arms around Seungwoo's neck, burying his face into the olders shoulder. He let out a sigh of content when he felt the latter pull him closer, snaking his arms around the youngers waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry too, kitten. I didn't mean to keep you here for this long, I guess I got stressed out with finishing the song, I'm sorry for getting angry."

"It's okay. You're hot when you're angry." The hybrid cheekily replied, slightly muffled due to his face still being pressed into his boyfriends shoulder.

"And you look even cuter when you're submissive." Subin could hear the smirk in his voice as Seungwoo began to place small kisses on the smallers neck.

It was only when Seungwoo decided to get his own back on Subin that the hybrid let out a sound of surprise, due to the fact that the older had just bitten his neck. It was only gently, but Subin's neck was particularly sensitive, so when he continued to bite and suck on his neck, he couldn't help but let out small sounds of pleasure.

Eventually Seungwoo sat back and admired his work, while the younger sat seemingly in shock of what just happened, despite enjoying it. His neck was now covered in small, and not so small, red and purple marks.

"And that was payback for earlier," he smirked, "you really thought you could get away with that?"

Subin pecked his lips before pulling away.

"Nope. I just knew you would do that to get your payback."

And with that Seungwoo stood up, picked Subin up and slung him over his shoulder, turning the light off and exiting the small studio.

"You just wait until we get home."

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