Jealousy (Jaesung)

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Jaehyeong's POV:

Being on tour has been amazing, like we have had so many amazing opportunities and experiences, but it has been really tiring. Physically and mentally. But it also means we don't get to spend much time together as a group or even alone, which means I don't get much time to spend with my baby Sammy. The moments we spend together are few and far between and are usually rushed like quick pecks before shows or in outfit changes, or in the van when travelling and we sit next to each other. Even then we are all tired and can't be bothered with life.

And now that we have got sometime away from everything and are able to chill, Sammy decides to and mess around with Dojoon and not pay attention to me, HIS BOYFRIEND. And I'm just sat here to watch, along with Hajoon who was also glaring holes through Dojoon's head for not paying attention to him. It's as if they are doing it on purpose to annoy us.

"Why aren't they paying attention to us? We are their boyfriends for fucks sake!" I said, sitting down next to a still glaring Hajoon.

"I know. What are they even doing?" He aske, not taking his eyes off of the two who were wrestling each other for the last few crisps in the packet.

"I will never understand their logic, or what they are staying, but mostly their logic."

We continued watching them until I had had enough.

"Hey. You wanna help me with something?" I asked him.


"I want to make Sammy jealous."

"You really are the evil maknae! But sure. I want attention too." He said, a mischievous smile making it's way onto his face.

I put my arm around him, pulling him closer and he held his phone up as we pretended to watch something together, which was really just a Monsta X vlive. Making sure to get the most reaction out of them I put my head on Hajoon's shoulder, looking over to see if there was any reaction at all. And to my luck Dojoon looked up briefly from his and Sammy's intense game of Mario kart on the Xbox, and hid face darkened slightly as I quickly looked back down to avoid being seen. But from my peripheral vision I saw him nudge Sammy and nod in our direction, to which his face also darkened too, which made him look adorable as he was pouting.

As soon as their game ended, they both stood up and made their way over to us, as I quickly removed my arms and we acted like nothing had happened.

"What're you guys up to?" Dojoon asked as Sammy just stood there, still kind of pouting.

"Oh. Just watching a vlive. Nothing much." I replied, looking at my boyfriend who just looked away.

Dojoon nodded.

"Well me and Hajoon have somewhere to go now."

"Do we?"

"Yes, we do." Dojoon insisted and he grabbed Hajoon's hand, practically dragging him out the room.

Sammy turned to follow the couple but I stood up and grabbed his hand, which he tried to pull away from, but I pulled him back so his back was against my chest, and my arms were then wrapped around his waist from behind.

"What do you want?" He said in an annoyed voice.

"To know what I did wrong."

"You already know full well what you did." He replied.

He was right. But I didn't think he would react so badly to it, I hoped he would just realise it was a joke after but clearly not.

"Okay. Maybe I do. But it wasn't anything like that." I explained.

He just turned around and looked at me, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised as if silently questioning me even more.

"Fine! I was jealous, I wanted you to spend time with me, your boyfriend, and not Dojoon!" I exclaimed, to which Sammy looked quite taken aback.

"That's Dojoon hyung to you, thank you very much!" I heard from upstairs.

"Whatever! Stop eavesdropping!" I shouted back.

I looked back at Sammy, who looked like he was having an internal debate with himself.

"I'm sorry, okay. I didn't mean to hurt you." I apologised.

"No, no! I didn't know you felt that way. I should be the one apologising." He walked over and wrapped his arms around my neck loosely, and stood up on his tip toes so he was eye level with me.

"Is this better?" He asked as my arms wound around his waist.

"I think something is still missing, maybe something like this?"

I leaned forward and kissed him gently, feeling him kiss back straight away. It lasted for a while as we were just enjoying each other's presence again after so long of not being able to.

He pulled away and smiled at me.

"That better?" He asked jokingly.

"Hmm-" I pretended to think, "There's something else too." I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the sofa that was previously occupied by him and Dojoon.

Sitting down I pulled him down onto my lap, where be made himself comfortable. He had his legs across my lap, partly curled up, and his arms crossed in his lap, with my arms around him and pulling him closer, making him lean his head on my shoulder.

"Now it's better." He smiled, showing off his perfect teeth and adorable eye smile.

We spent the rest of the time we had just putting the world to rights by talking, about anything and everything. Like our performance earlier on, which ended about an hour ago. It was our London show, which was amazing as the fans were the loudest I've ever heard, which we were impressed by. There was also a really hyper girl near the back in a red jumper that kept jumping up and down when I waved at her so I copied her, making her freak out even more. Sammy said he saw her and her friend who was just stood there looking embarrassed about it, but I guess some friends just like to embarrass others!

And then we just talked about life, our hopes, dreams, aspirations, our future together. Everything. Nothing was left not talked about in some form.

That did take a long time, so by the time out conversation had come to an end, it was really midnight and Sammy was falling asleep in my lap, which was adorable. I picked him up and carried him to our shared room, where I placed him on the bed and got in next to him, not even bothering to change out of my clothes.

Today was a good day in the end.

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