Well, that's puzzling

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(click on the sound, thats a threat, >:( .... jk thats not a threat dont report me)^

The gems plummeted towards the rocky ground below them. In a panic, Steven thrust out his hands and a large pink bubble shield expanded around them. "Hold on tight!" he yelled. "To what?!" Pearl screamed. The bubble hit the ground and bounced once, tangling up the gems inside of it. It hit the ground once more, and popped, spilling the ground onto the ground. "Ughhh" Peridot groaned. "We are NEVER doing that again with more than two people." "Agreed." Amethyst said. Greg started pulling bows out of his beard and throwing them off to the side, as they were practically cocooned in his hair. A rushing sound appeared above them. Mettaton lowered himself down to the ground with his jetpack built into his body. 

"Oh no!" he exclaimed dramatically. "Whatever shall I do? My loves have been cast away into the dungeon!" He faked an exaggerated sigh of distress. "A dungeon with a puzzle so dastardly, my paramour will surely perish!" Mettaton pointed off to the side. "O, heavens have mercy! The horrible colored tile maze!" Steven looked at the maze and said, "Isn't that the same one that Pap-" "No, no no! This is a DIFFERENT maze!" Mettaton paused, even himself looking unsure of that statement. "...". He fiddled with the remote for the maze. "Well! It has the same rules! But it is 100% different!" he continued on. "You remember those rules right?!" he asked the gems. They started shaking their heads no. "Good! You remember them!" Mettaton ignored. 

"Now! You have to get through this maze in 30 seconds! Or else! You'll be incinerated by these jets of fire!" Mettaton laughed heartily, and then realized nobody was laughing with him. "Aha...ha, anyways! My poor love, I'm so filled with grief, I can't stop laughing!" He struck a dramatic pose. An invisible audience cheered from all around them. "Good luck, darlings!" he trilled. 

Steven yelled, "Everyone! Get near me!" The other gems (and Greg) ran next to him. Steven concentrated, and created another bubble around them. "I thought we were DONE with the bubblesss" Peridot groaned. They ran forwards towards the maze, with the bubble around them, protecting them. Mettaton chuckled. "Darlings, I thought you were humans, not HAMSTERS?" 

It was starting to get hot in the bubble, or was that just the red hot fire behind them? The gems ran faster and faster, the bubble bonking piranha and setting off electricity traps left and right. "There's the finish line!" Steven called out. The bubble rolled faster and faster until it touched the white line. Steven's bubble retracted and the gems (and Greg) jumped out of it.  

A phone was heard ringing. "Wait who has the phone?" Amethyst asked. Each gem checked their pockets. "I have it!" Pearl said. She brought the phone up to her ear. Meanwhile, Mettaton waited patiently behind them. "Hello?" Pearl said. Alphys' voice came out of the phone. "Don't worry!! I c-can disable the fire jets for you!" Behind the gems (and Greg), the fire flickered and stopped. "...A little late Alphys." Pearl gently told her. "Oh." Alphys sounded disappointed. "Well then. Continue on. G-good luck!" She hung up. A minute later, a notification sounded from the phone. 

"Omg that was so embarrassing i was so lateee" Alphys posted on her social media. 

The group and Mettaton stared at each other for a minute awkwardly. Mettaton made a robotic cough. "Well. I'm going to battle you now." he told them. "Ok." Peridot replied. The gems (and Greg's) souls flew out of their body. 

The phone rang again. "H-hey!' Alphys yelped on the phone. "There's a new feature I added to your phone! Press the yellow button on the side!" Greg pushed the button. His soul turned yellow. "What's this??" He exclaimed. "N-now shoot! Think about bullets hitting Mettaton!!" Alphys cried. Greg concentrated. "Ouch!!" Mettaton yelled. Yellow pellets were hitting Mettaton from Greg's pulsating soul. Greg hit him several more times. "And that's for tricking me into your "show" " Greg yelled triumphantly. Mettaton dramatically pretended to be in pain. "Oh no! You're too strong, how could I have been beaten, you'll regret this, etc, etc" Mettaton gasped. He turned on his jetpack and flew out of the cavern. 

The gems (and Greg) watched him go. "It's the bad acting for me" Amethyst muttered. Pearl started laughing, and soon enough, the entire group was practically in tears. "Hahaha, did you hear how dramatic he was? oH nO!! mY mIcRowAvE lOoKiNG sElF wAs hUrT!!" Peridot mocked. The rest of the gang laughed, part from stress, part from just being glad they were ALIVE. 

Alphys' laugh dwindled to a chuckle. She grew silent. "Hey guys?" The gems (and Greg), sensing her seriousness, stopped laughing and listened. "Can I tell you something?" she said. "Before I met you all.. I didn't like myself very much. For a long time, I felt like a total screw-up. L-like I couldn't do anything without letting everyone down. B-but! Guiding everyone here has made me feel a lot better about myself! So... thanks for letting me help you!" The group smiled. 

Steven told Alphys, "Remember, you're never alone and you're DEFINITELY not a screw-up! No matter how bad things get, you can always rely on your friends!" Alphys' voice grew happy. "Thank you, I'll remember that." Steven looked at his friends. Pearl was practically sobbing. "Pearl?! What's wrong? I haven't seen you really cry that much!" Steven asked, concerned. "I wanna give Alphys a hug so baddd" Pearl sighed. She leaned towards the phone. "Alphys, pretend I'm giving you a virtual hug." she told her. Alphys laughed a little, "Ok!" 

Alphys gave herself a hug, and smiled on the other end of the phone. "A-anyways, you're headed in the right direction! If I see something up ahead, I'll let you know!!" She hung up on the other end. 

The group walked along the corridor. "What's that noise?" Greg wondered. Music echoed down the hall and the gems proceeded towards it. A large building was in the distance, with a familiar friend waiting for them...

Undergems (A Steven Universe and Undertale Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now