In Which Greg Gets Becomes One With The Universe

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(clickity clickity) ^

The Gems sighed, and plodded in through the murky water until they came upon a purple bank, which they collapsed upon wearily.


Steven screamed. Peridot fell back into the water. Greg got his hand caught in his hair. Amethyst passed out from the stress of recently fusing and the scare. 

Napstablook hovered above them, confused at the chaos he had cause. "sorry.... i was coming to   rescue you, but you seemed to have already rescued yourselves. if you want to visit me, feel free to visit my house... bye"

Peridot marched, grumbling out of the water. "I'm going to vaporize him!!!" she screeched angrily. "I JUST got dry!" Greg yanked his hand out of his hair. "Calm down, he just scared us. Let's go see his house, to be polite," he explained to a fuming Peridot. 

Greg pulled Amethyst onto his back and the gems made their way through a almost neighborly area. They spotted two houses, side by side, and chose to enter the first one. 

Napstablook was sitting in a chair, with some headphones. The room was relatively bare, with only a desk, fridge, and a couple of cds in a corner. "oh.... you came.....feel free to explore....." Napstablook hardly glanced up at them. 

"Oh-ok!" Steven said, looking around. He picked up a couple of the cds and listened to them one by one. "Not bad," he said appraisingly. Napstablook gave him a small smile. "Would you like a ghost sandwich?" he asked them.

Steven refused, saying, "I'm good,I ate a biiiiggg snack from the cooler back there." Greg looked at the sandwich, intrigued. "I'll try it!" he said, taking it from the fridge and biting into it. He bit right through it, tasting only musty air. "Huh. Guess ghosts don't eat much. I don't know what I expected." -music for napstablook

Napstablook turned towards him and said calmly, "After I eat  a sandwich, I like to lie down for a bit. Would you like to join me?" Greg said, "Sure!" They both lied down on the floor and closed their eyes. Almost immediately, the room began to shift and become inter dimensional. Steven and the others struggled to keep their balance. 

The only one that seemed to be safe was Napstablook and Greg. The gems, along with Amethest, now awake, struggled towards the door. "Dad! We can't stay here! We'll meet you later on! Napstablook will guide you to us!" 

Greg nodded in assent and the gems fled through the door. They began to make their way through the neighborhood, and eventually came to a winding dark trail of paths. 

"Hey, guys? I can't see." Peridot murmured over the tangible darkness. "Me neither," said Amethyst. A light began to shine up ahead. They made their way, fumbling towards it, until they came to a purple room, filled with tiny bouncing creatures. for tem village

"What are these?" Steven said, amazed. "We ArE tEM!" One of the creatures exclaimed. "They're kind of... cute?" She leaned towards one to pick it up, only to have it erupt in a rash. "tEM AlleRGiC tO HuMan." It explained. Peridot gingerly put it down. 

The gems headed into a nearby shop. As they entered, a bigger tem appeared in front of them. "HoI! WoUld  YOu LiKe To BuY tEm aRmOr?" It asked them. A box of options appeared in front of the gems, floating in the air. "Looks like if we send the thing to college, it'll give us armor."

Amythest clicked the college box. The tem exclaimed happily. It slid off into the darkness... It left its face behind. The tem face winked at Steven. Steven shuddered. The tem slid back out of the darkness, and rejoined its face. "Yay! Tem went to college! Learned many thing! Learned to make tem armor!" A new option appeared in the box.

Tem Armor 

Steven presses the button. "Thank you!" the tem said happily. The gems walked out of the room, between the bouncing yapping temmies, and into the darkness once more. 

"How do we see in this?" Peridot asked. Steven bent down, and tapped the top of a mushroom. The blue fluorescent lighting lit up the room. "Like that." he said. 

The gems continued on the path, tapping the mushrooms again every so often to light the way. They walked along a big path until they came to a tall flower. Steven bent close to it. "Look behind you." It whispered in his ear. 

Peridot looked behind them. A huge metal knight was pounding her way towards them. "Humans! Prepare to die!" they boomed. They began to charge toward the gems. Just as Steven got his shield ready, and the gems sheltered behind it, a small dinosaur ran out in front of the knight. "S-stop!" He yelled, frantically. "You can't hurt them!" "Who are you?" Peridot asked. The small dinosaur said, "I've been watching you! You humans are a really courageous group!" "You've been... stalking us..." Peridot realized. The dinosaur turned a bright red, and stammered, "No! Well..... yes." He looked at Peridot and blushed again. "Y-you can't hurt them!" he said, staring at the knight. "They're good humans!" 

The knight breathed a heavy sigh, and dragged the armless dinosaur away, into the darkness. The gems could hear his voice. "Hey! You-you aren't gonna tell my parents about this, right!?" The gems, confused about what had just occurred, continued on. 

Ahead of them, after a little while. they came to a looming cliff. Not sure what to do, the gems sat down for a little while, and brought their hp up to full health. A crackling of thunder was heard, and the gems stood up, wary.

A figure appeared at the top of the cliff. "HUMANS. YOU WILL NEVER GET PAST ME." It was the metal knight. Steven gasped, and inched back. 


The knight took off (apparently, her) helmet, her wild red hair waving in the wind, her sharp teeth flashing.



Hey guys! Sorry I've been out for so long. I've been really busy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I did skip over a couple unimportant things, because I wanted as many exciting moments as possible for you guys! I can't make any promises, but, I wills try to make a super long chapter like this at least once a month. Thank you for reading!

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