Can you REALLY call this a hotel?

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(i love this song)^

Steven made his way through the exit door and made to walk into the hotel, however, he was pulled back by something hooking his shirt. He glanced down, confused. "Huh?!" He grasped at the place his shirt was pulled, and his hand came back a bit bloody. "Ouch!!" he exclaimed, wiping the blood off. Embedded in the fabric, a small fishing hook was pulling at it, with a line leading into the darkness on the side of the building. A small, slightly yellowed, note was attached. The note read, "Hey!!! Come into the alley, we have stuff for you!! :D" Steven ripped the note off and examined it. There was a bit of glitter on the corner and it smelled faintly of garbage. Steven shrugged. It didn't seem too dangerous to him, considering the stuff he had battled so far. 

He grabbed the fishing line, the hook still pulling at his shirt, and followed it down the dark, crumbly path. As he grew closer, he could make out two faint voices. "OMG!! They're coming!! They're coming! We're gonna be! Rich!! YASSS!!" Steven peeked around the corner. Two monsters sat at a table with various different objects scattered on it. One of the monsters was a short purple cat, with black hair that had a stripe going through it and overalls. The other was a tall alligator with blond hair in pigtails with a pink poncho on. They both stared at Steven with eager eyes. "Come!!" "Buy!!!" "Our stuff!!" "Our stuff!!!" they echoed. 

"Who are you?" Steven asked. "I'm Catty!!!" the cat exclaimed. "I'm Bratty!!" the alligator chortled. Steven glanced over the various objects scattered on the table. He noticed an empty gun on the table and picked it up, examining it. There was a small layer of dust covering it. "Where did you get this?", he asked the monsters. "Oh!! We found it in Waterfall!!" Catty told him. Steven sighed. "I wonder who it belonged to?" he wondered. "At any rate, thank you!" he told Catty and Bratty. He walked away from the alleyway, leaving the two monsters talking. "I KNEW we should've given him better junk!!" "This IS the better junk!!"

Steven laughed under his breath and continued into the hotel. It was bright inside, a chandelier gleamed on the ceiling and there was a large red rug on the ground. A leaky fountain shaped like Mettaton splashed the floor beside it. Steven glanced at the small counter in the corner, clearly some sort of small food place. A oddly misshaped cat monster seemed to be working there, but he looked bored, stabbing a sparkly hamburger with a plastic food knife provided by the shop. 

Steven pushed the doors open into the outside the hotel, and was met with the group of his friends. Their faces were solemn. It was clear the end of their journey was near. Pearl pointed towards the elevator in the distance. "We tried to go up, but it was locked. We attempted to go through the North blue exit but there were some mysterious shadows that retreated when we were about to walk that way. I'm not sure if it's safe..." she said. 

Steven put on a brave face, and turned to face his friends. "We'll go through the left side, then." The rest of the gems nodded in agreement, and the small group headed up into the left hallway, headed into the unknown and into the Core. 

Undergems (A Steven Universe and Undertale Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now